I mean I've heard people rave and rave about it, so I watched a few episodes, and it was so bad, I'd almost rather watch Full House. I mean the jokes were just lame, unfunny, and unclever. (please don't give me the "they use big words, so therefore the jokes are clever" argument) I felt the characters were WAY too over the top. I have NEVER met a nerd, in my life, that speaks like Sheldon. I noticed the whole premise of the show's humor is having generic sitcom jokes that has been done before and having a laughtrack remind the audience when to laugh. It also has technobabbles, which I kind of stopped laughing at when I was 12. I remember the first time I watched this was with a friend and the only time I laughed were at those (oh I guess that's supposed to be funny, I better laugh cause my friend is laughing) moments. The second one I watched and all the ones after that I just kept a straight face the entire episode. So what do people actually think if funny about this show? Please put your torches down, and instead, enlighten me.
Reed_Bowie's forum posts
I personally think they're a very great band and one of my favorite modern day bands, who has much better songs than just "Young Folks". Their most recent album, "Gimme Somg", was amazing. I really don't care if they're considered a "Hipster Band", I still like them.
You are damn right I have. Not only do I love his video game reviews, but also his board game reviews, movie reviews, top 10 lists, really everything he does. I would, without a doubt, pay money to see his movie.
Nostalgia critic is better8)
He also rocks. I wouldn't dare compare them though. They're both great at what they do in their own unique way.
This may sound sad, but when I was 2-5 and didn't understand how the world worked and before I had any problems in life.
You should think for a sec. If 9/11 didn't spark the war, a lot of those lives as well might not be lost, so 9/11 is responsible for more lost lives then just people who died that day and as a result of complications.
That's like blaming everyone who died in World War I on Gavrilo Princip.
America: Most of it sucks
England: All of it sucks
Sweden: FTW!
Edit: Oh and I think England would have been much better off if Guy Fawkes had succeeded.
[QUOTE="ferrari2001"]16 and Pregnant, Jersey Shores, Everything on MTV. FightingfanThose shows are amazing, it helps me feel so much better about my life.
Yea, I guess when you're feeling down, you can watch these shows and then say: Hey, my life may suck, but at least I'm not any of these english-speaking apes on these shows.
Just about everything with a laugh track, or "canned laugher" as some call it goes through me lately...
It's like..
"Hi George!"
*Slight Giggle* (Why is that funny?)
"Hi Fred!"
*More Giggles*
"Did you take that girl to the movies after?"
*Random Mumbles*
"No... (insert some joke for not taking her here)..."
*Over The Top Laugher!*
*Characters Pause For No Reason To Wait For The Laugher They Shouldn't even Be Able To Hear To Stop*sune_Gem
Laugh Tracks: to remind your auidence when to laugh
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