Dave Grohl, Bill Murray, Scarlett Johanson, Natalie Portman, Tom Green, FPS Russia Guy, David Bowie
Reed_Bowie's forum posts
I have no knowledge about the korean language, but I'm assuming that you need to roll your tounge which she was unable to do................:|
Which bands, do you think have the coolest names, reguardless of what you think of their music. Some band names I like are:
Jane's Addiction
Iron Maiden
Nine Inch Nails
Stone Temple Pilots
My Morning Jacket
Pearl Jam
to people who say "Evolution is just a theory, it shouldn't be taught", The whole concept of science is based off of theories.
[QUOTE="alexside1"][QUOTE="tenaka2"]Are your being sarcastic or your being serious? He's just making fun of the typical brainless critiques of evolution by most people who are against it and want creationism taught in schools. He's basically saying "Hey creationists! Here's you! DURR DURR DURR"Evolution is only a theory, and if we evolved from apes how come there are still apes?
what if he's actually being serious..............................................:|
[QUOTE="Reed_Bowie"]Religious education should be in the curriculum... and what alternatives do we have to creationism that are so scientific? The big bang? I was never taught about that... and I'm not surprised since the average science student doesn't need to know.It's wrong. Schools should teach things based on scientific fact, not theories that have no scientific evidence behind them.
Oh, I don't know..............Evolution. And the big bang theory is supported by the doppler red shirt, meaning that the universe is constantly expanding.
It's wrong. Schools should teach things based on scientific fact, not theories that have no scientific evidence behind them.
Well I just watched it, and......I didn't like it at all. In fact, I kind of hated it. The biggest problem, for me, was the shallow, simplistic, plot I thought it suffered from. But I have watched great movies with some-what simplistic plots, but the thing was, they had great, and plentiful action scenes to compensate for them. "Bullit" didn't have many action scenes. The car chase was pretty cool, but not enough to make the movie, for me. Im my opinion, the characters were pretty two-dimensional, and Steve McQueen kind of kept the same facial expression for the whole film. At first, I thought the film just started out slow, but then when I realized I was an hour in, and almost nothing interesting happened. Im my opinion, the script, was pretty basic. Not many dramatic parts, and no comic relief. I guess if I watched it in 1968, and saw the car chase, I may have been able to overlook the plot, but not in 2011. So what do you guys think of Bullit? (and this is all my opinion, don't get angry at me.)
Believe me, I have a history.
Kindergarten- We had this kid in my clas(s) who I believe had austism, and the clas(s) being 5-6 year olds (not knowing any better) would laugh at him when he made an outburst. Me and a group would kind of pick on him, and the teacher called my mother. And my mother explained to her that a 5 year old would not know better (she should have known that herself). Oh and me and the kid (who I believe has autism) are friends in HS now, and he doesn't hold any grudges.
1st grade- Mean, mean, old lady who should not have been teaching first graders. (let alone be teaching prisoners on death row, haven't they got enough to worr about?) I remember one time when another girl got me in trouble for responding to her, the teacher stuck me in the corner, and I was crying so heavily and she would just keep giving me dirty looks. Luckily she retired one years after.
2nd grade- My regualar teacher was very sweet, but she was pregnant and took a maternal leave in November, so a substitute teacher who was a man took over. I was one of those kids who learned the material very fast, so I was bored in clas(s) and I would fool around a lot, and the sub called my parents and recommended me to get tested for ADD/ADHD (even though I had no trouble learning). He was also VERY mean to me and my friend. He would always call up my parents when I did the slighest thing wrong. But I remember that me and my friend were once throwing rocks in the air and they happened to hit his car. XD And there was an interview of him in the school newspaper and he openly said that he worked in the Home Depot aside from teaching. After my mom filed some complaints to his superior, lets just say I never saw him working in my elemtary school again. I swear if I ever see that man again, I WILL lash out on him for making second grade a living hell for me and my parents.
3rd grade- pretty nice lady, but if you did something wrong she would take you in the cubbies and interrogate you.
4th grade- very strict, but nice, I didn't have many problems with her. Except this one time where me and four kids got in trouble for misusing this photoshop type program on the computers, and I got blamed for it. (even though I didn't start it) But if the lunch aid would have done her job better then none of us would have been in trouble to begin with.
5th grade- no problems at all. Very, very, sweet lady, who had a lot of patience for kids.
6th grade- SS TEACHER- She would yell at you for the slightest thing you did wrong. It really sucked since I had her second peroid in sixth grade. Gave me the wrong impression of middle school. MATH TEACHER- very mean to me because I always talked during clas(s) (again relating to the problem with me learning things quickly) and she didn't reccomend me to honors math because of it. SCIENCE/ENGLISH TEACHER- The same lady taught both subjects, and as a result she was not a very good English teacher at all. I remember she assigned an in-clas(s) research project on ecosystems, IN ENGLISH CLAS(S).
7th Grade- Rather than SS teacher that tried to be funny (but failed so hard), no problems.
8th grade- No trouble with english/SS. Because I wasn't in honors math in 7th grade, I had trouble being in honors 8th grade math, and I had the WORST math teacher possible. She was so dull and she spoke a mile a minute. I always did bad in her clas(s) because her tests were so much longer and harder than they needed to be. And to top it all off, she married a German guy, and as a result, she had a German last name that was NOT meant to be pronounced by any native english speaker. SPANISH TEACHER: This old man who came out of retirement and could not teach spanish at all. His tests were much harder than the tests I took in 10th grade spanish, and as a result, no one got a good grade.
9th grade- HONORS ENGLISH TEACHER- She gave the most abstract questions on tests and over-analyzed everything. Lucky I dropped out of honors. HONORS SCIENCE TEACHER- she was the type that was always happy and always smiling (which I thought was creepy) Her method of teaching really didn't get though to me, and as a result, I didn't do as well as I should have.
10-12 grade- Really, this is when the problems with teachers kind of stopped, because they have to be somewhat qualified to teacher higher level subjects. And this is really the age where you completley stop talking in clas(s)
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