Actually while playing the first game I thought it had the potential for a great multiplayer. Co-op would take away from the campaign's intensity but if they made a competetive mulitplayer with one team playing as engineers and the other playing as the special necromorphs it would be awesome. Kind of like Left 4 Dead's versus mode with a resident evil 4 camera angle IN SPACE. Idk if that's what they're going for here but that would be awesome.
Brutal Legend comes as a surprise, from what I heard it's multiplayer is a failed attempt at fusing RTS with action adventure. Is that not the case? I was originally going to just rent Brutal Legend for the campaign but if it's multiplayer is fun I'd consider actually buying it. What did you like about it and what is it like?
Simple enough, what are your 5 favorite multiplayer (both co-operative and competitive) games ON THE 360? They don't need to be in any order unless you really want to and if you feel the need to include runners up feel free to do so.
For me, in no order:
1. Left 4 Dead
2. Modern Warfare 2
3. Gears of War 2
4. Halo 3
5. Borderlands
Honorable mentions - Unreal Tournament 3, The Orange Box (Team Fortress 2), Resident Evil 5, and GTA 4.
I realize btw it isn't the most original topic to discuss and it's been done over and over I'm sure but screw it. Without pointless pedestrian topics like this one you super intellectual thread starters wouldn't have anything to compare your threads to so think about it for a minute and appreciate the assistance I am providing before you pass judgement on yet another pointless lets list our favorite stuff topic. The extraordinary can not exist without the ordinary, don't take it for granted either, there may very well come a day when I won't be here to arbitrarily post pointless topics here. Think about it.
I'm not a big fan of religion in general so I can't say I have much of an opinion really. Even so it does strike me as somewhat depraved that Microsoft would attempt to make a profit off of a religious document. As a business venture it's obviously not a terrible idea since there is a rather immense and pre-existing potential market for it (anyone remember the South Park episode about Christian rock :P ). In any case, regardless of my own views on organized religion and big business I find it a bit distasteful for a powerful and influential corporation like Microsoft to distribute and turn a profit from the release of any religious document. I don't think anyone is under the delusion that Microsoft sees the Bible in this instance as anything more than an enormous dollar sign rather than an oppurtunity to preach, educate, or strengthen faith, which in my opinion are the only ways a text like the Bible should be implemented.
Now that I'm done standing on my soapbox, I wonder how they're going to incorporate achievements in this...
Now that Epic has spent the year since it's release releasing patches, the majority of the issues that plagued it's multiplayer have been resolved. My connection is relatively fast so I never really had trouble finding a game or anything like that. I bought it when it was first released last year though, and I quickly gave up on playing anything other than horde or co-op in it because of all the lag and glitches. After awhile I gave it another try after a few of the updates had been released and it's been my favorite multiplayer since (though Modern Warfare 2 has the potential to take it's place). Nowadays it plays pretty smooth although there are still some problems that make an appearance here and there.
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