Bioshock is a great game that's pretty easy to get most of the achievements in. Same goes for Prince of Persia.
On any game you've played on the 360 (arcade games can be included), what was the most difficult puzzle youve had to solve?
In Halo 3 I was standing at the crashed pelican in valhalla sniping and I got a no scope headshot on someone who was in mid air at the peak of his jump after going off the middle gravity lift at his base.
Left 4 Dead (!!!!!!!!!!!)Resident Evil 5and if you want zombies IN SPACE try Dead Space. Although they're only like half zombies half aliens its complicated but it's amazing game either way.I wasn't a big fan of Dead Rising but the new one looks better.Zombie Apocalypse is awesome too, it's an arcade game.
Goldeneye was a classic Nintendo game? Why would it be on XBL?SoAmazingBabyBecause it's developer, Rare, was bought by Microsoft.
I believe there is an add on comming out this month called "Crash Course" which will be free for pc but 560 MS points for the xbox.It has one new campaign and new streamlined multiplayer.d4v1dbow13Yup! It comes out tomorrow, the 29th. Valve also said they may be supporting L4D with new DLC even after the second is out as well.
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