@PixelHunter You're choosing to sell it to a corporation that won't benefit from anything but reselling. If you get off your ass and sell it to someone who will actually play it, you can do it at competitive price and still get more than what you would get from GS...
You're choosing the easy way, so why are you still bitching?
"This is great news for gamers and we applaud Microsoft for understanding consumers and the importance of the preowned market."
Understanding?! Are you serious? If they were understanding, they would of knocked it off before E3; instead they told us to deal with it. Now we see who really can't deal with it.
It's showing a best seller chart with no numbers. For all we know, it could be 50000 XB1s with 40000; 30000; 20000 for the 3 PS3s in the top 5. Which add up to?
Rennik_Repotsir's comments