My 360 and Wii are never online anymore and I rarely connect my PS3. So the XB1 will be a pointless purchase since I can already watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies without it.
It's the publishers' greed. A new movie makes it's initial revenue during the first week or two. Then it seems like no one gives a shit (except the publisher) about DVD/BD sales after the first week. Then people trade/loan/borrow it.
I know games are different; as they focus more on the sticky (shutit!). I agree with this view. Don't punish the consumer for lack of quality or sales. Make a better game that has a longer life and fluff it up a little more with DLC. Also, BUDGET YOUR FREAKEN GAME!!! If you didn't spend $300m on development then selling 5m copies wouldn't be a freaken flop.
Rennik_Repotsir's comments