We're an American nation founded on the freedom to practice any religion you want.......not a nation built upon one religion.theleagueman
sorry but 'no', america was founded on the freedom to practice whatever form of Christianity you want. The whole "any religion" thing has only really been around in the states for the last 70 or so years. Totally agree with and support the sentiment but saying otherwise is an attempt at re-writing history
maybe rename the thread "why there is a lot of work to do in the middle east before democracy can work over there" would have been a better option. That kinda behaviour is no worse than how the europeans used to behave and they ended up doing the democracy thing in the end
I think it's time for them to make us a single player Warcraft game, oh i miss those days sooooooo much! :cry:
I await that day with great hope, but right now WoW is dumping money so what incentive would they have to do that (especially with StarCraft 2 on the cards)
back to the question - I'd like to see them do something based on the old content, maybe bring in some high level content in the old game pack zones so we use those areas for something more than just capital cities
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