You guys always talks about FPS games looking all the same, alright we get it, you don't like FPS games. You're really good at bashing it, and yet you never come up with ideas to make it ''fresh''. It's the most empty kind of criticism.
Naw, I absolutely love FPS games. They're my favorite genre. I consider Half-Life and Half-Life 2 to be the best games ever made. What are some of the fresher FPS games in my opinion? Go play Rust, Planetside 2, Tribes, DayZ, ArmA 3, STALKER - you know, games that go beyond shooting people in repetitive scenarios. Even F2P Tribes, a remake of an old-ass PC FPS, feels very nice and fresh because we haven't had any Tribes-esque games over the last decade.
Call of Duty games on the other hand, we have had a dozen of them as well as dozens of games attempting to copy CoD in the last decade. Even anything slightly resembling CoD puts me to sleep now. Obviously I haven't played Titanfall so I can't say the game is going to be identical or extremely similar to Call of Duty. But from the gameplay videos, I'm still getting a CoD vibe despite the game supposedly not trying to be a spiritual CoD successor. Anything slightly sporting a CoD vibe can shove it at this point. Feel free to disagree but it's just what it looks to me.
I liked Call of Duty back in the day. I loved the first and second. Third was okay. 4th was great. But ever since the 4th one, it feels like people have been making the exact same game or they're trying to copy as many elements as humanly possible from that game. I don't know why people like yourself get super excited over games that looks like games we've already played, in a different skin. I'm bored of games I already played. I'm also bored of games that are exactly like the games I already played. Give me new ones...ones that aren't spiritual clones of other games.
Give me an open world Tribes RPG-FPS.
Give me SWAT 5.
Please, developers, give me something that hasn't been beaten to death...please...
The Titans, the highly maneuverable environment and the creeps mechanic borrowed from MOBAs makes it way different than CoD. Stop with that comparison, holy shit.
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