Ye it is. I wouldn't pre order it.
Revan_911's forum posts
Well since you put it that way, the Titan was pretty easy yes, but the Inquisitor was pretty challenging, it took me while to kill him. And the ending leaves it to your imagination. My guess is that the people on the island lived their lives in peace while the whole world went to hell. And your character made that possible.
What was wrong with it ? How would you end the game then?
You are right. It is ridiculous. Maybe then you should stop doing it?
But when we are at the PC vs Console discussion let me note that you can get about 10 pc games for 100$ on steam. The amount of games you can get on the console for that money equals to 1.
And also the Witcher. One of the best RPG games ever made. And the sequel which promises to be even better comes only to the PC. What does the consoles have to contend with it eh? Fable 2 ? Mwhahah.
Also Stalker and Cryostasis. When that brilliant games are made for the consoles ill start eating dog ****
Well i very much liked Overclocked.
Oh, i don't beilieve i forgot, the Sherlock Holmes series.
It's not even a game it's just a map on W3.
This is just my personal opinion of course but I've played enough RPG's to know the difference between an unpolished gem and an overblown ,very mediocre game. Here's my short comparison thread.
They are both not up to today's standards but Divinity has clearly the better graphics. Everything in Dragon Age looked bland and uninspired , while Divinity is lively and the varied environments look really good. Divinity has better graphics, it's not even debatable.
Well at least the Divinity II dev's didn't have their head up their ass. There was no reason to go trough that much pointless dialogue in DA, no reason at all. It's not Tolkien, the storyline was cliched and literally done to death. And the game actually came with a map, please a map of Ferelden. I wiped my ass with it. I'm not saying that Divinity's storyline is the epitome of originality but it had the decency to keep the dialogue short and witty, and the story simple.
Dragon Age has some good music, but Divinity has so many epic tracks. So im going to go with Divinity on this one if you played the game you will know what I'm talking about.
Gameplay :
Well the combat in DA was much more complex, but that doesn't make it better. I found the tactics slot useless. The party never acted the way i wanted it to. So playing on difficulty setting higher than easy is a real annoying because you have to pause every two seconds to give out commands which makes the combat a pain rather than fun. The combat in Divinity is kind of like a mix between hack and slash and deep rpg elements. It's more fun and more dynamic than Dragon Age. Bioware had nothing new to offer, it was the same system from BG, from KOTOR, from NWN, ect. Divinity at least tried to be original, in what other game can you kick ass as a giant dragon.
Dragon Age has better performance and it's more polished and Divinity crashed sometimes and has a lot of bugs. DA also has better character seleciton screen, more memorable characters and more faces. Yeah the lack of faces in divinity was disturbing, many npcs looked identical. But overall Divinity was a better experience for me. Agan just my opinion.
Well im pretty far into the game and it hasn't happened to me, no.
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