Revan_911's forum posts
Linear and scripted doesn't mean bad. I prefer freedom too, but what are you gonna do.hmmm.. seems very linear and scripted. its a mix of MW2 and STALKER
Why they would say Fallout rather than STALKER would be odd though, as I easily see more similarities between the latter and 2033 >> Not saying it IS a ripoff of STALKER of course. Metro clearly has a greater emphasis on the paranormal and on urban combat. oh I know..its only that ..every time this game gets mentioned..someone always says.. lame fallout 3 post apocalyptic rip off When it's clearly a rip off from Stalker. Nah im just kidding , it does look similar, but they're different games and im looking forward to playing it on my PC.[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="devious742"]
THIS IS NOT A FALLOUT 3 RIPOFF!!!!!! :P sorry cause I know someone will say that :P :D
You can probably play it on a laptop, no reason buying a gaming PC for it. I don't mind the subscriptions playing WoW was so much fun..I've been talking about it for 2 years now but I swear, I will be buying a sweet gaming PC in 2010 and this game is by far the #1 reason why. :D
Anyway, what you guys think of this and who here is planning on buying the game ?
Seems logical to me so I guess we can stop hoping for an actual stand alone Kotor 3.
The Story.
So many people continue to wonder if development studio BioWare will ever deliver Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III. Well, I would've thought the answer to that is pretty damn obvious. Anyway, just to be clear on the matter, BioWare designer Christina Norman tweeted that a the company's upcoming MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic, actually represents a new addition to the Knights of the Old Republic series.Hm, it's a third game, and more, by the look of it.
He basically said this: "Kotor 3? Yes, it's called "The Old Republic" and it is KOTOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8!"
It's too expensive, and as far as I know there are only a few games that support it.mo0ksi
Only a few games... And the cost is as much as getting a 1080p tv for your console games, even though rarely does any game is 1080p nowadays.
True true, very low res.The environment's textures disappoint. This should've been a PC game. :(
Halo 3 is the average fps here. What did Halo offer to the table eh? Crysis had a big open world, fully destructible environments, vehicles, customizable weapons, and of course the Nano Suit. It's not your average fps mate....Wait till you get Crysis 2 on the consoles you will be amazed.Without its graphics it would be the same average FPS that I don't really ever feel like playing through again.
Game didn't get 9.5 out of gamespot just for good graphics. Watch the video review. Anyone who bashes is a consolite who never played it. It's one of the best FPS this gen as far as gameplay goes.
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