[QUOTE="Revan_911"]What's wrong with condemned? Doctor-McNinja
Nothing, i thought it was a great game. First game i got 1000/1000 achievement points on, and i didn't even know what achievements were at the time. I just kept on playing it. I just think that if you're trying to hate on Halo via reeling off a list of games supposedly far superior to it, you defeat your own point when you run out of games fast enough to list Condemned. It was a great game, but puh-lease, it's not in the same league as Halo. I'm not trying to hate on Halo. I just don't even remember it. A game like Condemened i remember very well, but i played Halo and i was certainly not impressed. Totally forgettable.
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]It was something new and dynamic. Certainly wasn't lame. Yeah new. Maybe bioware should try something like that. You know....new.Phoenix534
Why is it that whenever I see you in a thread, you're pissing and moaning about Bioware?
I don't know. I guess i feel that they haven't made a good game since Kotor.
Who has done a better job than Halo when it comes to FPS's? Please no one say Call of Duty...Goldeneye was a great game, so was Perfect Dark, but thats the only other FPS that I can remember enjoying. thepoop7
HL. HL2. FEAR. Butcher Bay. Deus Ex. System Shock. Bioshock.Condemned. Stalker. All those games are way better than Halo. And that's just on the top of my mind. Ofc this is just my opinion. Like this topic is an opinion. The TC is stating it as a fact.
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]It was something new and dynamic. Certainly wasn't lame. Yeah new. Maybe bioware should try something like that. You know....new.rr2Real
why do you think they're making an MMORPG
I was referring to Dragon Age. Everything from characters to story to combat was recycled. Ill see about The Old Republic though. If it doesn't have monthly fees I'm in.
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