Yes, but i still didn't see anything that brought down my points...[QUOTE="Revan_911"][QUOTE="lundy86_4"]
How so?
You are a stubborn fellow aren't you.
Take solace, that in this thread, you are alone.
Read through the whole thread.
Vandalvideo also destroyed your idea of a "plot hole".
I destroyed your point on their only being the same type of reaper, and how come the all looked the same. I quoted the mass effect wiki, along with an explanation of the term "characteristic", and that explained, perfectly why they all looked similar, not the same.
Dreman posted pics of the differences between a couple of the reapers, showing they were not in fact the same.
MAYBE THEY WILL ADREESS IT IN DA SEQUAL is not destroying my point. And i will gladly be alone in this situation. . When we voted a movie to watch in English class, I'm the only one who suggested we watch Children of Men, but all the other students wanted to watch Beverly HIlls NInja.
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