[QUOTE="stopitandtidyup"][QUOTE="wemhim"][QUOTE="stopitandtidyup"][QUOTE="MotherSuperior"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]My personal opinion: Human beings are put on this earth for one reason, and one reason only: to reproduce. Strip away careers, materialism, all the bs that makes up our society, and you have our pure and simple goal, reproduction. Homosexuality is not normal, in my opinion, since they can't produce children. HOWEVER, I won't gay bash. I personally never woke up one day and thought, "You know what? I like boobs." It just sort of happened, so it's possible the same is true for gays. Who knows? To answer the question, I would not vote for an openly gay president because I don't view homosexuality as normal, although I have no problem with people in the genral populous leaning that way.wemhim
I don't agree that homosexuality is not normal, but I think you backed up your position well. This is the purpose of my thread.
I agree that it was a well written post, but I cannot agree with his position at all. How can life not be about more than a singular purpose?
It is like people who abstain from drugs all of their lives, believing that they are doing the moral thing. It is a means to explore your brain, to understand the universe, and to understand the self. What is the purpose of such an action except knowledge?
Well, drugs can be bad for your health, and are epically scary if you get side effects(Nausea etc. are teh epic fails), but if someone really wants to do them, that's fine, just don't pressure it on others. Some of the greatest artists used LSD, and I'm sure it made them greater.
I agree. Although I prefer what's natural myself, such as the San Pedro cactus or the Marijuana plant. I don't like putting manufactured chemicals into my body.
I see what you mean. But yeah, I think they're perfectly fine substances, they are natural after all(The ones you listed, not LSD). Even the synthesized ones too are alright. But I can see why someone would refuse to use them, but it's perfectly fine if someone chooses too also.
Some circumstances prevent people from experimenting with those things, for example my dad heads our county's DEA, so it was never worth the risk, and now I'm in the military getting popped for random piss tests so it's DEFINATELY not worth it.
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