RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
They said they had proof of WMD's. Clearly they didn't.
Besides, America would have plunged into another depression if Iraq had continued selling oil in the Euro. It makes perfect sense for America to attack Iraq for this reason. I just don't support it's ethics.
In those months and months of talks and meetings, you suppose it's completely impossible for Sadaam to have hidden his weapons? Also, what about the tens upon thousands of Kurds that Sadaam massacred with poisonous gasses, it was genocide. That ALONE would be reason enough, but we still didn't invade. The U.N. gave Sadaam an ultimatum, he refused, we kept our end of the deal.
And oil? There's 10x more oil in Alaska than in the middle east- we don't NEED it.
These Iraq threads are getting tiresome. Here's why we went into Iraq for those of you who didn't watch the news back in 2001.
The U.N. became suspicious of certian facilities that Sadaam was operating in Iraq.
They sent U.N. inspectors to make sure these facilities were not being used to make WMD's.
Sadaam refused these inspectors addmitance into certian facilities.
The U.N. became even more suspicious, over months of meetings, they came to a verdict. The message they sent Sadaam was "Disarm, Disclose, or face serious consequences."
Sadaam still would not allow inspectors into the facilities, we tried more meetings over months and months, he still wouldn't budge. He also neglected to supply the U.N. with the appropriate paperwork as to the operations of those facilities.
What was left? The serious consequences part.
Stop talking about oil, you're embarassing yourselves.
[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]The books are better in every instance. King is the literary genious of our time, I'm confident that our grandchildren's generation will be studying his work in their Literature classes. I boycott the movies, they don't do the books justice.Film-Guy
You should see 1408, its much better than the book and actually gives an interesting backstory.
Well, I'm a hypocrit in this instance. I saw the movie, and I agree it was very good. I'm mainly talking about the 'made for TV movies,' the higher budget ones are nicely done.
I'm 18 and I have my own apartment. I work 40 hours a week as a cashier at a grocery chain and barely make enough to cover all my bills. If you aren't going to school, I say get off your lazy ass and work!bunnyofdoom2001
That's actually kind of impressive, not many 18 year olds are living on their own.
Well pretty much go through the phonetic alphabet and put a number next to it, that's how the military does it. For example, Alpha 3, Bravo 9, Charlie 2, Delta 6, etc
[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="PrimordialMeme"]This is a lot of propaganda and lies.PrimordialMeme
Excellent way to back up your argument!
Anyone paying attention knows. How many times will we believe liars? It was in the news a few months ago, we were officially reclassifying the way deaths are counted. Its such a sick situation, if this is how we are leaving by faking the numbers then good.
The real point is that Iraq was not a threat to anyone, it was disarmed and non hostile in 2002.
While I in no way agree with your views, that's definately a better argument.
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