RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
Just convince her that you're retarted. Take an IQ test, make sure you score the 'Borderline Retarted' category, and show her the results. Then you can start crying, because it's not funny to yell at retarted kids for being bad at math.
But seriously, you should do what I did- just take an easy math class. I was TERRIBLE at math, so I took 'Applied Business Math' where they teach you how to add and subtract- it's a total joke. Easy A.
First off...this ain't system wars, kid.
Second...you're accusing him of things when you don't know him...something that you were bashing him for doing doing to you...and then try to defend yourself by being a total ass by insulting the Air Force, and by insulting him.
The Air Force usually has the smartest servicemen in the military...flying a multi-million dollar fighters or bombers takes years of training and requires a lot of intelligence...something the US Air Force has always maintained with their recruits.
And you're right, there is not way to tell how grateful one is over the Internet...but that's not the point. You are clearly ungrateful, or in other words you have a lack of "gratefulness"...this nation and it's people have created many of the things you use today in your life and pay for your education, and if circumstances arise...are willing to pay for your care if something bad happens to you. The fact that you stated that you don't like America means you are ungrateful.
Thanks for the support, I was a little too disgusted with his commentary to reply with much.
Better grammar? Alright, I don't care about grammar, it's bout getting your point across. First of all, better grammar doesn't mean you're smarter or anything. Plus you spelled "grammer," which is spelled "grammar." So please, shut up you stupid Air Force Military cop or whatever, and get on with something better. Plus, just because you don't believe in your education system doesn't justify the fact that you did poorly in school. You simply chose the Air Force because you knew you were a loser in high school, and the Air Force was the best option you had, because of your poor grades in school.
So no, you were owned,
Oh, and by the way, there's no way to justify how grateful you are over the internet, and you can't prove I'm un-grateful because you don't know where I come from, what my opinion is, and what my point of view is.
Plus, point of view and opinion are different. Point of view is where you come from and how you were raised, and your opinion is what you believe.
Wow, don't have a heart attack. I made the grammar comment to be funny, and as for a "stupid air force cop because i was a loser in high school," I'm fighting for your freedom of speech, so I won't touch that. I'm proud to fight for your country, despite how much you despise it.
yes, I have a clue about the christian faith and that's exactly why I decided to become agnostic/atheist
What's agnostic/athiest? Those are contridictions. Agnostics acknowledge a higher being, while athiests do not.
And I highly doubt you know anything about Christianity, aside from perhaps attending a few masses with your parents. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm jumping to conclusions, but from what I've read of your postings so far you have no clue what you're talking about.
[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]Different opinions are fine, but we're talking about Baptism. That is a CHRISTIAN (which you obviously are not, and obviously have no clue about the faith whatsoever) thread about the sacrament of baptism, which is the washing away of original sin. It is NOT an initiation into a faith.foxhound_fox
It isn't? Since when?
Wow, this is about the 10th time I'm typing this, so pay attention:
Baptism is a sacrament used to wash away sin from an infant, the sin that was carried onto them from their parents. I was baptised as an infant, and I never again saw a church until I was able to question it for myself.
Firts, saying ''educate yourself'' whenever someone has a different opinionis the most childishthing you can reply with.
And it CAN determine a child's destiny, depending on which god really exists
Different opinions are fine, but we're talking about Baptism. That is a CHRISTIAN (which you obviously are not, and obviously have no clue about the faith whatsoever) thread about the sacrament of baptism, which is the washing away of original sin. It is NOT an initiation into a faith.
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