Too many handguns in this country. Why contribute to the problem? Just keep a chainsaw or samurai sword under your pillow.
Can't say much about the series, but I did recently see the first one for the first time. It was awesome. Very much worth your time.
Im canadian, sooo...... FootFetish24Oh, then I guess I'm not fighting for your freedom... whoops. lol
cool dude... how's 25th hour? where does it rank on your all-time favorite norton movies? i haven't seen it yet, but i've been wanting to...bminnsNo, it doesn't rank, but it's sure as hell worth your 2 hours. Great movie.
wow, soldiers.pawns and dispendable.wooFootFetish24And more brave than you'll ever hope to be. I'm proud to fight for your freedom.
I want those 5 minutes back. :(br0kenrabbitHopefully you saw a new post, and came back to read this. Now you have 7 minutes to get back.
me too man... are you a fan of edward norton? bminnsYeah, man, diehard fan. American History X, 25th Hour, you name it.
i just realized what your avatar is... fight club and edward norton pwn everything on this earthbminnstrue, true. fight club changed my life.
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