Are we STILL talking about this? People need to agree to disagree, nobody will ever come to a truce.
*but* since the thread's here, I might as well throw in my 2 cents. Sadaam massacred hundreds of thousands of his own people (the kurds). We found his gas chambers and torture chambers. He was given SO much time to avoid us going in. "Disarm, Disclose, or face Serious Consequences." NATO gave him months to disarm or disclose, but he STILL refused to let inspectors into certain facilities. Even at that point, he was given many chances. So, he faced serious consequences exactly as warned.
But yeah, saying it's about the oil only proves that you watch too much MTV and you need to educate yourself a bit more- no offense intended. But seriously, we should leave this topic alone- it's getting rather old. There's a presidential race underway, why not discuss that?
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