RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
Oh really? So why didn't you invade North Korea instead? A nation that publicly announced its nuclear weapons program and is much, much closer to the US.
Because North Korea isn't run by a warlord that believes in genocide. Sadaam is a text book psychopath, he's been killing people by the thousands for decades simply due to their descent. His obviously unbalanced mental state caused a stir within the U.N. about his supposed WMD factories. North Korea is much more complicated.
The rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic on LSD who had no access to drugs on an island where he was enslaved? For a crazy person, he sure got popular. . .
He didn't have access to drugs, but he didn't have access to food or water either. What happens when you have no food or water? You hallucinate. Same effect.
On a side note, I reccomend everyone interested in the bible to get "The Message," it's the bible written in contemporary language. No more King James "Thou shalt hast blah blah blah..." You can finally read the bible like a book!
so the real question is, why did the Bush Administration want to invade Iraq?
Because NATO told Sadaam for MONTHS to "Disarm, disclose, or face serious consequences." That was NATO, not our administration. Sadaam didn't disarm, and if he didn't have WMD's the moron should have disclosed, which he DIDN'T!! So, we had the back bone to go through with the consequences.
It doesen't matter if they are fiction or not (the 2&3rd aren't) because if the message someone's trying to say is right, it doesen't matter in what form they put in it.
Fiction and Non-Fiction isn't a "form," it's the difference of historical and made-up. Let's all read Stephen King instead of watching the big bad CNN!!
Since I honest to god HATE any uneducated discussions about politics from people who actually base their god dam opinion about politics FROM THE TELEVISION NEWS :o I will only suggest some books for you guys to read.
3 really good ones is "1984" by George Orwell and "The Creature that Came from Jekyll Island" By Edward G. Griffin and "How the Worlds REALLY works" By Alan B Jones.
These 3 books should RADICALLY change your views on how the world works.
Cmon ppl... Ron Paul 08.
Did you just promote 3 fiction books? TV news is EXAGGERATED, but it's not fiction.
The New
Ger ready for it dude. 1 world, 1 global country, 1 massive dictatorship.
Man, we are going to fall just like the Romans before us.
Hopefully not by someone who doesn't know how to add an avatar or a sig after 300+ posts ;)
Did you answer that? Your only contribution to this thread has been your "Because the congress voted yes" argument. Which is in my opinion a cowardly way of being neutral whilst at the same time be on the offensive when users come with ideas not agreeing with the official theory.
Read the whole thread, there is many reasons besides "Because congress said yes." I just posted a few reasons a few posts back. You liberals are funny, if we never invaded Iraq you would all be whining about our government not doing anything while Sadaam kept his genocide going strong against the kurds.
come on, everybody knows it was for their oilmlbslugger86
Well said! When do you graduate from medical school? This week? Or was it next?
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