Here's the only thing you need to acknowledge to know that atheism is irrational; it is possible that God and heaven exists.
That's it. You don't have to think that it's necessary that he exists or even that it's probable that he exists, just that there is some minute chance that he does exist.
If you grant God's possible existence then you must also grant the possible existence of an eternal afterlife in heaven (or hell). Now the rational person whose goal is to continue existing as long and as happily as possible knows that chosing to believe in and worship God yields a greater expected outcome than not. You can work it out with probability yourself if you want but here's how it basically goes.
The theist risks a finite amount of time (mortal life of worship and devotion to God) for an infinite gain (immortality in heaven).
The atheist risks an infinite consequence (eternity in hell) for a finite gain (life as an atheist).
It's pretty obvious that the atheist has made a foolish option, he has foregone delayed but ultimate joy for immediate transient pleasure. Pretty immature choice I reckon.
Just because a theory can't be completely 100% proven (or disproven, i.e. Athiests) doesn't make it irrational. Athiests use massive amounts of scientific evidence to draw their conclusions. While I'm not Athiest, I wouldn''t be so blunt as to call them irrational.
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