RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
[QUOTE="The_Ish"][QUOTE="swizz-the-gamer"][QUOTE="The_Ish"][QUOTE="swizz-the-gamer"]I Just realised what a bad example this is. You think she mad a conscious decision one day to be a crack addict and have 3 kids?mGard
You think having sex without protection or deciding to take drugs aren't her fault?
If you consider her physically doing those things the only cause for her situation then fine. It's never so black and white.You can take drugs, or you can go get a job.
What is so grey about it?
Oh my god. How old are you? It is not that easy. I can't believe you can say things like that. What if you grow up, in a real low-life neighbourhood. You don't have friends, and you are desperate for some kind of safe-point. There is so much external, and internal pressure on you, when you live like that. You can't just be accepted for who you are, not always. It's easy for some guy growing up with money, school and friends to say that it's just a matter of yes and no. (Talking about YOU)
Making weak excuses for drug addiction and crime will DEFINATELY make our country a better place. Good job, I hope you want to be a politician when you grow up, you'll fit right in.
Nope don't plan to risk my life or take other lives because some rich people have vested interests in a war.swizz-the-gamer
Bleeding heart liberals, I LOVE them. You're right, Sadaam didn't do anything wrong.
what's up, everyone?
anyone interested in joining the corps, active marines, or former marines here?
if you're an active or former marine, tell me a little bit of what everything as a marine is like.
i, myself wanna join OCS as soon as i'm done with a university.
Best of luck to you, we need Marines.
nope i dont like being shot at, i am entering the air force in their robotics program after college thoughFUBAR24
I've been in the Air Force for over 3 years now, and I've never heard of a "Robotics Program." I think someone lied to you...
[QUOTE="The_Ish"]...What if they like Pizza, and then they use that food you got them, pay for it, and eat it at another funeral protest?
The pizzas i ordered were anchiove and sausage pizzas with light sauce and light cheese thin crust in square cuts i doubt theyd like it
I'm going to say it again. You're my hero.
I am sick of people always comlaining about poverty and how it is my responsibility to help these people. Why the hell shoul my tax dollars go to 16 year old girl with 3 kids from 3 different father in order to pay for her crack addiction. It's not fair to me that people who work 80 hours a week working there ass off to make good money have to give to people who contribute nothing to society. My dad works from seven in the morning till 8:00 every day including weekends in order to make a good life for my family. Where do his tax dollars go? not rebuliding the roads to get him to work. It angers me that our quality of life must suffer becuase people refuse to be acountable for there actions. sorry for the rant.kingyotoX
I definately agree with you to some degree. Many of hour tax dollars are wasted to useless and unfair programs generally targeting people that are "victims of their enviornments" (which is total bull**** I might add). In America, if you need a job, open the Classifieds section of the newspaper and get a job. Construction, roofing, fast food, there are tons of jobs that don't even require a High School diploma- there is NO reason for SO MANY people not working and collecting from the government. Some people really do need the help, I'll say that much, but the ones that take advantage of the gov't far outweigh the people that legitimatly need help.
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