Just few more questions
God is the almighty creator of the earth, heaven, and all the universe, and yet, on account of a sin committed by one person, He ascribes the blame on all his progeny, who are completely unaware of the (sinful) deed (committed by their forefather); is this possible? And why is it that He did not find any other way than sacrificing His own son as an atonement for them? Is it worthy of His Majesty?
2nd question, "Jesus asked the fig tree to give fruit prematurely, and then withered it because it would not give fruit. It is impossible for a tree to give fruit out of season. Despite this fact, would it not be cruelty for Jesus to get angry with the tree and wither it? Could a Prophet be cruel?"hagiiiiiiiiii
For your first question: In my blog, "Bible Interpretation, Free Will, and the Big Band" it explains my belief that the story of Adam and Eve, is simply a story, completely open to interpretation. It is not verbatum, there was no flesh and blood Adam that once walked the Garden of Eden. As for sacrificing his own son, people are extremely blind. We needed something on that scale to make people realize what we have done. The world was given to us, and we were free to make it the most peaceful and prosperous place in existence. Turn on CNN, look what we've done. Read a history book, look what we've done. We still have AIDS and cancer, but we perfected the nuke decades ago.
For your 2nd question: Once again, the bible is not to be taken literally. My interpretation of that story is this: God asked the tree to do what it was naturally intended to do, what it was created to do, on the lowest scale. He didn't ask something crazy like "Get up and dance, tree!" because a tree isn't capable. I believe the story means that Jesus asks us to do the bare minimum, follow the Ten Commandments and be morale people to our best ability. If not, God will smite us. I hope I answered your questions sufficiently.
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