[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="jointed"] That's possibly the most idiotic statement made in this thread. What "innocent lives" are you talking about? The +60,000 dead Iraqis?
and you can't compare the current situationto WW2....at all.
Again, I'll say it's a shame to have some people live in the same country as me. 60,000 innocent Iraqis dead? My oh my, where did you come by this obviously reputable information? I forgot we dropped a nuke over there. The innocent people I was referring to was 9/11, in case you forgot during your sympathy for these poor innocent terrorists that we're killing every day. If you don't relate Iraq to 9/11, fine, then what about the thousands upon thousands of Kurds Sadaam gassed? It was textbook genocide. I have friends in Iraq right now, getting shot at and mortared, so they shoot back. Are those the innocent Iraqi's you speak of?
You can't be frekkin serious. Are you trying to make the already hopeless yank conservatives look even worse?Your ignorance is astonishing.
The +60,000 dead Iraqis were NOT insurgents, they were civilians.
Ah, a liberal-made website is where you're getting this information from. Allow me to enlighten you- TERRORISTS ARE CIVILIANS!!! When a guy pulls an AK-47 and gets shot, guess what? He's still a civilian, not associated with any government's army. Kids these days...
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