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#1 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

What are we to do? We send a message. I am 100% confident that 9/11 will NOT repeat, due to our reaction. I am also 100% confident that 9/11 would have never happened if we would have done SOMETHING about USS Cole. Killing all of them is impossible, everyone realizes this. However, many of the ones that have been apprehended or killed had plans for us, and those plans were thwarted thanks to our forces. We have saved thousands, if not millions of innocent lives thanks to our intel and Special Investigations agencies. What are you proposing? We just sit back, admit there's "nothing we can do" and just let them have their way with us?


The truth is that we haven't stopped much. Scotland Yard is the s*** at thwarting terrrorists; we don't really have to. You can argue that they simply haven't announced the discovery of such plots for security reasons, but the truth is our government wants to sound like it's getting something down, and there's no way that they've been more successful than they've announced themselves (the US government, that is). I think that Iraq was a piss-poor idea from the start, I think that any foreign policy in terms of dealing with terrorism remotely resembling Israel's is just going to antagonize EVERYONE and increase the violence even more. One thing I think should've at least gotten attention was the Sudanese government's harboring of Al Queda. I mean, they literally had government contracts there, and two birds with one stone could've been saved had we intervened. HOWEVER: US foreign policy traditionally has been this odd mix of intervention for nonintervention, and back then, it seemed that these were isolated incidents, not concerning the US, and that we should not stir up the hive. 9/11 couldn't happen again simply because such huge schemes could never work. But any terrorist with a brain could raise hell in the US. They just aren't trying. It's outrageously easy to create explosives, almost as easy to get metal knives onto air planes (just make sure the handle itself isn't metal and they probability can't detect it). Security at baseball games is minimal (probably the BEST target for terrorism in America). Etc, etc. But they aren't trying and they were, there is little we could do except increase security and try to not make them appear more righteous. Force has yielded us NOTHING in Iraq.

They don't have the means? Not very long ago, the FBI stopped a terrorist group operating the Poccoanoes in PA. They had plans to go to Fort Dix, and kill as many people as they possibly could. They were stopped. There are stories like this all the time, but the media doesn't usually bother unless the terrorist act has actually succeeded. I think they do have the means, I think many of them have been scared off, afraid of what the US would do if another 9/11 scale attack was commited. That's just my theory, of course.

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#2 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

But they were never going to get nukes, their program is abandoned now anyway for a couple of years.


Do your homework before you post.


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#3 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

That's possibly the most idiotic statement made in this thread. What "innocent lives" are you talking about? The +60,000 dead Iraqis?

and you can't compare the current situationto WW2....at all.


Again, I'll say it's a shame to have some people live in the same country as me. 60,000 innocent Iraqis dead? My oh my, where did you come by this obviously reputable information? I forgot we dropped a nuke over there. The innocent people I was referring to was 9/11, in case you forgot during your sympathy for these poor innocent terrorists that we're killing every day. If you don't relate Iraq to 9/11, fine, then what about the thousands upon thousands of Kurds Sadaam gassed? It was textbook genocide. I have friends in Iraq right now, getting shot at and mortared, so they shoot back. Are those the innocent Iraqi's you speak of?

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#4 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Only a fool thinks war can make a difference.

Even thought it may be difficult and take a long time, there are always diplomatic solutions to problems. Using violence to counteract violence is like trying to put fire out with fire.quiglythegreat

Sure, plenty of diplomatic solutions in WW2. Why go to war? You're not being rational, you're thinking in terms of a perfect world. I just wonder how many more innocent lives need to be lost until people in this country will FINALLY realize that this is NOT a perfect world. Terrorists don't want diplomatic solutions, they want to kill as many of us as they possibly can.

And what then are we to do? Kill the terrorists until there are none? Israel has killed tens of thousands of terrorists, and there are not all that many to begin with, and the end is not in sight. The issue with a violent reaction to such a problem is that ultimately it offers little resolution. Violence begets violence, that's very simple. Killing a terrorist serves little than to inspire others to follow his path, and history indeed has shown this. Osama bin Laden may as well be dead, and he was our number one man, still is, but does he do anything? No. Does he lead now? No. Others have replaced him, and others will continue to as long as they are capable of getting any support at all, and this support is catalyzed by excessive, reckless retaliations against the terrorists in the first place. If you bomb bin Laden's house, his neighbor will hunt you.

What are we to do? We send a message. I am 100% confident that 9/11 will NOT repeat, due to our reaction. I am also 100% confident that 9/11 would have never happened if we would have done SOMETHING about USS Cole. Killing all of them is impossible, everyone realizes this. However, many of the ones that have been apprehended or killed had plans for us, and those plans were thwarted thanks to our forces. We have saved thousands, if not millions of innocent lives thanks to our intel and Special Investigations agencies. What are you proposing? We just sit back, admit there's "nothing we can do" and just let them have their way with us?

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#5 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

[QUOTE="quiglythegreat"]I would consider myself of the political left, more or less, but I don't believe in any of those policies you just mentioned and I am at lesat not completely ignorant of statistics and facts.

Then I assume I'll hear no argument when I state that African Americans are more prone to commit violent crimes within the U.S. (2005 F.B.I. Criminal Statistics), that individuals of middle eastern descent are more prone to radical islam and therefore terrorism? (I'll throw one at myself-->) and that Irishmen are more prone to alcoholism due to the fact that it's a genetic disorder? (Waits to get modded...AGAIN...)

I don't know if there has ever been a single American of Middle-Eastern descent who became involved with fundamentalist Islamic terrorism. That first fact is true, the thing about Ireland is not (Ireland has the third biggest alcohol consumption rate in the world; the first is the Czech republic). What bothers me is that you assume liberals are unaware of these facts because they do not share the same opinion as you do. There is nothing honest about racism or prejudice, it is just crude, don't mistake the two. African Americans statistically have a higher rate of crime and such, yes, but they also have a higher rate of poverty, from which springs many, many societal woes. As well, African Americans statistically, proportionately occupy cities more often than whites, and in urban areas crime is almost always higher, though this is dependent upon the city in question. Alcoholism is not a genetic disorder, and no one says that it is. There is a very dominant theory on the subject that ADD gives one a propensity to develop substance abuse problems, however alcoholism itslef (addiction to alcohol) is not possibly genetic because it results from specific chemicals introduced to the body in excess, causing a disruption of the regular biology of a person, and it does not affect any genes at all.

You're officially the most intelligent liberal I know. Thanks. (no sarcasm)

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#6 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

Only a fool thinks war can make a difference.

Even thought it may be difficult and take a long time, there are always diplomatic solutions to problems. Using violence to counteract violence is like trying to put fire out with fire.foxhound_fox

Sure, plenty of diplomatic solutions in WW2. Why go to war? You're not being rational, you're thinking in terms of a perfect world. I just wonder how many more innocent lives need to be lost until people in this country will FINALLY realize that this is NOT a perfect world. Terrorists don't want diplomatic solutions, they want to kill as many of us as they possibly can.

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#7 RiSkyBiZ-13
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So women don't have to wear veils, and christains can practice there faiths, and the youth is pretty modern.

You really think we should attack that country? Look at that chick in the picture, very beautiful. I can't wait till will bomb her country.

Don't believe what the media tries to cram down your throats.


Don't worry, we won't. There's too many moron liberals in this country for us to attempt anything. How about we just sit back and wait to get bombed, like we always do.

They aren't gonna bomb us or anyone for that matter.

Exactly what we said about Japan in WW2. Exactly what we said after the U.S.S. Cole, and then *gasp* 9/11! Iran's government hates us, fact. They have capabilities for WMD's. Now, look at some pictures of all the "beautiful" girls in NYC, Philly, LA, any major city in our own country. I don't think we should carpet bomb them, or anything. All I am saying is that if they pose a serious threat to us in the future, there isn't time for hesitation.

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#8 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts


So women don't have to wear veils, and christains can practice there faiths, and the youth is pretty modern.

You really think we should attack that country? Look at that chick in the picture, very beautiful. I can't wait till will bomb her country.

Don't believe what the media tries to cram down your throats.


Don't worry, we won't. There's too many moron liberals in this country for us to attempt anything. How about we just sit back and wait to get bombed, like we always do.

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#9 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

I would consider myself of the political left, more or less, but I don't believe in any of those policies you just mentioned and I am at lesat not completely ignorant of statistics and facts.

Then I assume I'll hear no argument when I state that African Americans are more prone to commit violent crimes within the U.S. (2005 F.B.I. Criminal Statistics), that individuals of middle eastern descent are more prone to radical islam and therefore terrorism? (I'll throw one at myself-->) and that Irishmen are more prone to alcoholism due to the fact that it's a genetic disorder? (Waits to get modded...AGAIN...)

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#10 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

the liberal left think that if we pull out of the mideast and stop the war on terror, then the terrorists are gonna say "hey America is nice, let's not attack it". No if we stop attacking them , they will attack us just look at the Clinton days, they attacked and attacked and Clinton did nothing.


The Liberal Left are some of the most closed-minded beings in the world. Yes, they are completely ignorant to the world around them, completely ignorant to statistics and facts. They push for political correctness, affirmative action, and a number of other political polcies that make me sick. What can you do?