[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]The truth is that we haven't stopped much. Scotland Yard is the s*** at thwarting terrrorists; we don't really have to. You can argue that they simply haven't announced the discovery of such plots for security reasons, but the truth is our government wants to sound like it's getting something down, and there's no way that they've been more successful than they've announced themselves (the US government, that is). I think that Iraq was a piss-poor idea from the start, I think that any foreign policy in terms of dealing with terrorism remotely resembling Israel's is just going to antagonize EVERYONE and increase the violence even more. One thing I think should've at least gotten attention was the Sudanese government's harboring of Al Queda. I mean, they literally had government contracts there, and two birds with one stone could've been saved had we intervened. HOWEVER: US foreign policy traditionally has been this odd mix of intervention for nonintervention, and back then, it seemed that these were isolated incidents, not concerning the US, and that we should not stir up the hive. 9/11 couldn't happen again simply because such huge schemes could never work. But any terrorist with a brain could raise hell in the US. They just aren't trying. It's outrageously easy to create explosives, almost as easy to get metal knives onto air planes (just make sure the handle itself isn't metal and they probability can't detect it). Security at baseball games is minimal (probably the BEST target for terrorism in America). Etc, etc. But they aren't trying and they were, there is little we could do except increase security and try to not make them appear more righteous. Force has yielded us NOTHING in Iraq.What are we to do? We send a message. I am 100% confident that 9/11 will NOT repeat, due to our reaction. I am also 100% confident that 9/11 would have never happened if we would have done SOMETHING about USS Cole. Killing all of them is impossible, everyone realizes this. However, many of the ones that have been apprehended or killed had plans for us, and those plans were thwarted thanks to our forces. We have saved thousands, if not millions of innocent lives thanks to our intel and Special Investigations agencies. What are you proposing? We just sit back, admit there's "nothing we can do" and just let them have their way with us?
They don't have the means? Not very long ago, the FBI stopped a terrorist group operating the Poccoanoes in PA. They had plans to go to Fort Dix, and kill as many people as they possibly could. They were stopped. There are stories like this all the time, but the media doesn't usually bother unless the terrorist act has actually succeeded. I think they do have the means, I think many of them have been scared off, afraid of what the US would do if another 9/11 scale attack was commited. That's just my theory, of course.
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