RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
Um, are you F****** kidding me, Seals and Marines over the Army Rangers? Load of bull, Rangers are hands down the most badass in America. I think people need to stop watching GI Jane and buying into the Marines are the best crap.
British SAS is probably the best in the world though.
Please excuse my liking for the Rangers, I am highly biased and will admit it. All the mentioned above are indeed badass, I just like the Rangers and can get carried away.
...Ranger acceptance rate is much higher than the SEALS. Look at the training requirements online, SEALS are MUCH tougher.
If you want to fly...go Navy not Air Force.
One more question....though I don't really have any interest in flying any aircraft, how many years in service does one need to be allowed to fly one? I once heard it took 6 years.
It depends, you have to be an officer, and you'd have to be one REALLY good officer to make the required rank to fly in 6 years. Helicopters = Warrent Officer, that's like the limbo in between enlisted and officer. They still get saluted, but they're not full on commisioned officers.
[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="The_Ish"]You misunderstood me. I meant I don't want anything that has me behind the lines on our side. In other words, the complete opposite. I want to be in the action. Sorry if my post was weird.
Oooh, you should look into these USAF Special Ops, you'll get a NICE sign on bonus if you make it through the training (The AF's hurting for Spec Ops at the moment) and you'll get a sweet beret:
S.E.R.E: Stands for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape. You train officers and piolets how to survive behind enemy lines, living off the land, surviving POW camps mentally and physically, and staying hidden. Pretty much the ninjas of the military.
Pararescue: Pretty self explanitory. They were deeply involved in Black Hawk Down, despite Delta Force getting all the credit. These guys parachute WAY behind enemy lines in a small squad, used to being heavily outnumbered to rescue downed piolets or POW's. Their motto is "So that others may live." Not exactly my bag, but whatever. (I've been in for 2.5 years and I've only ever seen ONE of these guys) They do the EXACT same training as the SEALS, and then some.
Combat Controller: These guys are the SEALS of the sky. They HALO jump behind enemy lines as a small squad, and pretty much wipe out villages. That's basically it. Their training is the same as the Rangers, from what I'm told.
But seriously, is that all the Spec Ops of the Air Force? Pararescue and Combat Controller sound like something I would like.
There are a few others, but the ones I listed are the most popular. You can find them all at www.airforce.com as well as all the other jobs we offer.
[QUOTE="H3llstrike"]Navy SEALs are the most badass and then Army Delta force.....UrbanSpartan125Other way around, with Force Recon and Delta Force tied.
Army Delta Force? Delta Force isn't part of the Army, or any other branch for that matter. Their acceptance rate is MUCH lower than any other Special Operations, and their training is much tougher physically and mentally (which explains the lower acceptance rate). The gov't still won't officially acknowledge their existance. In other words, they own the SEALS. That's why I didn't even bother adding them to this poll.
You misunderstood me. I meant I don't want anything that has me behind the lines on our side. In other words, the complete opposite. I want to be in the action. Sorry if my post was weird.
Oooh, you should look into these USAF Special Ops, you'll get a NICE sign on bonus if you make it through the training (The AF's hurting for Spec Ops at the moment) and you'll get a sweet beret:
S.E.R.E: Stands for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape. You train officers and piolets how to survive behind enemy lines, living off the land, surviving POW camps mentally and physically, and staying hidden. Pretty much the ninjas of the military.
Pararescue: Pretty self explanitory. They were deeply involved in Black Hawk Down, despite Delta Force getting all the credit. These guys parachute WAY behind enemy lines in a small squad, used to being heavily outnumbered to rescue downed piolets or POW's. Their motto is "So that others may live." Not exactly my bag, but whatever. (I've been in for 2.5 years and I've only ever seen ONE of these guys) They do the EXACT same training as the SEALS, and then some.
Combat Controller: These guys are the SEALS of the sky. They HALO jump behind enemy lines as a small squad, and pretty much wipe out villages. That's basically it. Their training is the same as the Rangers, from what I'm told.
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