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#1 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

Interesting, how you talk about evidence and facts and yet you are surprised why someone would want to racially profile in airport security. Think about it. We are a crime ridden society, crime is real, and it's not coming from white catholics, or Muslim Clerics, or jews. It's coming from Black people or Hispanice people of non-American descent. Now, being that you're liberal, you're going to argue this point. If there is one other thing besides religion I'm passionate it about it's my hatred of liberalism.


That is how utterly racist (read: stupid) you sound like.

Like I said before, I posted my opinion. I knew it would cause a flame, but it's what I believe. I didn't say to throw everyone into a concentration camp, I used airport security as an example. Search through more of their purses then a 90 year old woman of western descent. But, you're liberal, this convorsation will never end unless I agreed with you. I'm done here.

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#2 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

Let's talk about conservatives and their regime (the Bush administration)

You have put us into essentially another Vietnam, if we stay, we die, if we leave, they die, nice one!

We are massively in debt, even with our surplus Bush came into office with.

It has been 6 years since 9/11, we are no closer to Bin Laden, and invaded a country when our funds SHOULD go towards finding him.

Social Secrurity is collapsing

You promote racial profile in your post, which is the sickest most backward thing America would ever do, we stand for liberty and freedom, not racism.

Our economy is crap

We can't regulate our trade with China, a huge security threat

Our personal liberties are under attack (Patriot Act)

Want to post garbage? Better back it up bud.


Like I said, can't have an opinion with a Liberal, unless you agree with their points exactly. Hindsight is 20/20. So your comment on 9/11, we're no closer to Bin Laden, are you suggesting we should have never done anything? Send a message to terrorists that we can be walked on that easily? And I'm not conservative either, so I don't know why you wasted your time with all that crap. Just because I hate liberals doesn't mean anything.

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#3 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

An opinion can't be wrong, it's an opinion. I can still have one while the liberals are outnumbered, hopefully I'll be long gone when the odds change.


Wrong again...opinions are only right when they are backed up with evidence. Racism is an opinion - doesn't mean its valid one. I wonder why you would want to racially profile Middle Eastern people...do you have something against them? Anyone who allows racial profiling in the government are usually racist themselves.

Interesting, how you talk about evidence and facts and yet you are surprised why someone would want to racially profile in airport security. Think about it. We're at war, terrorism is real, and it's not coming from white catholics, or black baptists, or jews. It's coming from radical musilums of middle eastern descent. Now, being that you're liberal, you're going to argue this point. If there is one other thing besides religion I'm passionate it about it's my hatred of liberalism.

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#5 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

well no pr0n exactly but well just watching the picture looks like pr0n even though the girl had panties and was covering her boobs... -_-' now I'm afraid of what she might do.. please help me :cry:club-sandwich

Dude, it could be worse. My friend was downloading lots of pr0n using one of those filesharing programs, I think it was Limewire. Anyways, you know how file names can get messed up in Limewire? Well, he deleted all of the stuff that was NASTY (I won't go into detail, but you get the idea- it was the stuff he DIDN'T want). Well, his sister got on the computer that night and opened the recycling bin. My buddy didn't empty it. So not only did she see pr0n he downloaded, but it was the creepy disturbing stuff he didn't want. Try and explain that one..

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#6 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

I'm sure this post will cause flame, but whatever. This is my opinion.

Liberals will be the demise of our country, no doubt. They are the enemy. They are responsible for affirmative action, they are responsible for not allowing airport security to racially profile (they can't search mostly individuals of middle eastern descent, it has to be even). Liberals promote abortion. Liberals think that absolutely nothing should have been done about 9/11. (Think Clinton and USS Cole, they were happy that we did NOTHING when terrorists blew up one of our warships, killing many sailors). Bottom line, I hate liberals. I hate what they stand for, and mark my words they WILL ruin our country, I plan on being a citizen of Canada before that happens.

Like I said, it's my opinion. (Liberals usually don't like people with opinions that aren't 100% politically correct, so I'll probably get flamed soon...)


Your opinion is wrong. You are generalizing far too much.

An opinion can't be wrong, it's an opinion. I can still have one while the liberals are outnumbered, hopefully I'll be long gone when the odds change.

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#7 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
I call Godfather. Seriously, I called it.
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#9 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
That article was amazing. Blog it.
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#10 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

I don't mean non perfect as a person as being someone without flaws or great looks. I mean why does he let people who are mentally retarded get born or people who have other deformities that stop them from learning religion or knowing what's going on in the real world? How do these people get into "heaven" if they don't understand right from wrong?


God doesn't create humans, we're made through reproductions. Problems in pregnancy causes this.