Only 150 years ago, nealy everyone believe in Adam and Eve! There are so many interpretations of this book that have spawned conficting religions and sub-religions (under the "christian" or christ believing banner). The Koran is based on the Old Testement. Why bother believing in one interpretation over another, without any evidence either way? Surely its better to establish clear facts instead. Why do you assume there is mystery and layers to be unveiled in the bible? To me, that suggests even more bended interpretations. All these interpretations are tearing the church apart. Views on women priests, gay relationships, other religions and medical progress have divided the churches of christ in the last 25 years - All from the 1 book!
My belief is that our brains, in the current evolutionary state, cannot hope to unveil all the mysteries the bible holds. I do, however, believe it is every Chritian's duty to try their best to take as much away from the Holy Bible as they can.
I would not bother trying to disprove things. After all, "disproof" is a logical fallacy. Positive proof is the only acceptable proof within the scientific method. There are many hypotheses regarding the cause of the big bang. One of the more popoular ideas is the expanding/shrinking universe concept. There are also no clear facts about the absence of matter before the creation of our universe. I find it bemusing that the scientific framework that observed, gathered and theorised on the big band theory is accepted by theists. The same framework would find no proof of christianity or any other religious intervention in global development. Why believe in the big bang if you don't trust the way we came to know about it? And if you do trust the scientific method for discovery, why have faith in god?
All "who/what started the big bang?" questions have their opposite "who/what created god" counterparts. The difference is, I can experience and quantify the universe - it conforms to physical laws.
Again, simply my view, God is infinate. No rocks, gasses, electrical charges, or anything material is infinate.
There is and has been terrible crueltyn in this world. Some of it caused by man and some caused by nature. This indiscriminate cruelty suggests there isn't (and never has been) any controlling force. Why would people want to worship and vengeful god? Free will, if given to us by god, would surely either be perfect, or god would know (presumably being both omnipotent and omniscient) what would happen and what a mess we would make. This must make god either vengeful or non-interventionist. Another reason not to believe!
So the only acceptable way to believe is if God loves everything and everyone, and would never let harm come to a single person? Read the Old Testament, familiarize yourself with Free Will.
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