@Orange_Apples I am not a fan of the endings, but the extended cut showed that they were rebuilding everything. They weren't dumbed down to cavemen. Still the "endings" were sub par.
LOL this is just a reprinting of the article from yesterday about this. Only thing that is different is that Eddie has added the hash tags from Twitter to it. Good Job!!
Could be wrong, but I am of the opinion people that wanted to play this game bought in 2010. Oh well. If you didn't play it or buy it...enjoy. I lent my disc to all my friends and family that wanted to try it over the last 3 years
So if they had implemented this, would the game have a pause window pop letting you know your hands are too sweaty? Clean them off or I will shut down.
@fadersdream @green_scorpion @Riddick123 I think the real question is, will Bethesda even try. Doesn't make any sense financially. They won't waste the resources to make a 5 year old game compatible with a WiiU
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