@RC-Sev @meatz666 The 4th was there before the extended cut. However you had to have well over 5000 in available resources to get it. Was nearly impossible to get that without mulitplay and Galactic Readiness. I multiplayed and got it before the EC. But for those that did not wish to MP, the were not able to get that "4th" ending until after the EC.
@Random_Matt @shingui5 @shalashaska88 As stated, the Volus. Don't forget Krogan for ugly. Then you have the big stupid Jelly Fish as Shepard calls them.
@VenkmanPHD You should be ashamed for claiming to know so much about sports entertainment. The Warrior is part of the WWE history. That is like saying Sid Vicious and Papa Shango aren't. And it isn't a sport btw. I grew up loving this stuff. Now, not so much. And like others have said, they got sued by the World Wildlife Fund, so they changed the name.
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