Don't know if I really care that my friends or other people are "better" at getting game achievements. To me it says they sit on the Xbox more than I do. Which is fine. But they don't really matter. Sometimes I see one that might be fun to get so I will go for it, but I could really care less. So thanks MS for adding this wonderful feature. It will enrich our lives and gaming experience for sure.
LOL, so this analyst gets paid to state the obvious. Thanks, I couldn't have deduced this fact on my own without his insightful input. Where do I get an analyst job for the console war?
@PhaseshiftR1111 @Riddick123 @omn1z Current gaming software doesn't even come close to unlocking the potential of the hardware. They can't keep up with how fast they release CPUs and Video Cards. Duke Nuke 'em forever is a classic example. They kept trying to keep up instead just releasing the damn game.
@Prats1993 Current gaming software does not even keep up with current hardware potential. Sotware developers can barely keep up with the capabilities of current hardware. A 3 or 4 year old video card will play today's games
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