@PhaseshiftR1111 @omn1z @Riddick123 If you have some knowledge or someone with decent knowledge...you can build one yourself for around 750. Probably cost as much to get XB1 or PS4 running in your house if you include an extra controller and the online subscription and a game or 2 to actually use it for gaming
@phbz @Riddick123 @N0tYrBeezin You're probably right. In order to hit 1 billion in the US, every man, woman, and child would have to buy 3 or 4. That would equate to 20 of those bad boys in my house.
LOL, if you don't have a good internet or no internet connection, then stick with a 360. Haha might as well flip those customers the bird. That is like saying, you're not good enough for our new product, so go to hell and stay with the old one.
Riddick123's comments