@racerxgundam It's possible. Your friend has to be on your list for 30 days and they can borrow it one time for a time period. Forget the amount of time the can "borrow" it. But hey, just invite them over and they can play it all they want.
@Smokescreened84 @Kooken58 The deals on Live are usually some game no one will buy, an old Xbox title, or something that is 5 years old. If I am wrong, correct me.
@aa22aa44 @Riddick123 LOL of course they did. You think they would be stupid enough to acknowledge that? Any of those companies would be stupid to say they did that.
Have you been reading the updates on the NSA story? Microsoft is one of the companies listed that they gather the info from. You're right, they ( Microsoft) doesn't care about you eating popcorn. They are probably interested in your conversations and patterns though. You'll probably float below the radar. Either way, MS has a court order to turn over info to the NSA whether you say don't gather my info please or not. They don't have choice.
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