@taker3434 @Riddick123 @WhiteStormy I was not aware the EC patched lowered it. Thanks for the info. I multi played the 360 and PC versions to 100 percent before that :)
@WhiteStormy @Riddick123 Hopefully they patch the damn thing. I have been using google to see how to increase the EMS..at least for PC there is a file you can tweak. Xbox and PS owners are screwed unless they patch it on EA's side
How can you go from music by composers like Bach, Beethoven, and Stravinsky (among others) to bruno #@%@@% mars etc. sure this article isnt a complete list of your music
Because it is Music Evolved. That alone should make all of us jump for joy.
First one is still the best imo. But the franchise as a whole is very enjoyable. If it wasn't for the first one, I don't think a game like Mass Effect the consequences of choice would have come out for a long while
@Fastenprune Seems like you have nothing better to do with your life than get on an article and take time to troll Sony fans. Xbox fans were pretty much the ones complaining the most.
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