@fighterguard what I don't understand is why don't people see that? It's not next gen, just something a little different. More variation means more happy consumers. But people love to moan so if they don't want or need it then it's bad. Microsoft put all there love into one console and if you don't like it then, hell, tough titties. Ninendo has always had the customer in mind when making their hardware, people should respect that.
@Jedilink109 @fighterguard I'm an adult and I think it's a great idea. The only reason I haven't bought a 3DS yet is because I can't afford it. Plus, I'm not a fan of the 3D. Knowing that I can get the 3DS games I want on a handheld in my price range isn't just for kids, it's for us bills paying adults too. It may be ugly but who cares?
And looking through the comments I see now why I hate these articles.
It's not fair to play the sexism card in the gaming industry because its male majority get defensive. And too right they should. I've been playing games for a long time and never got upset because the characters were male or white - why should I?
Why should it matter that the protagonist in a game about war is male? How would it be realistic if the main character was female? Ok, so it wouldn't hurt to have more female characters in games, but only if the character is relevant; don't just throw them in to make up the numbers.
And since when has race been an issue? Because the Cole Train doesn't look very white to me. Ok, so there could be more non-white characters, but to be fair I didn't really notice it too much until I read this article.
Females have recently discovered that they enjoy something that up until recently only males really did. Give the industry a little time to catch up. Screaming for immediate and complete change takes away from the good changes that have happened.
@ForceofNature9 it was a terrible attempt at making a more female friendly FF. FFXIII is female friendly and a good game. FFX-2 had me shouting expletives at my PS2. Just because something is aimed at girls doesn't mean the characters have to play dress-up to fight. Good way to alienate the male (majority of) players.
They could have stuck to the FFIII way of levelling up job roles and it would have been a little better but the whole battle system annoyed me
@Martyr77 @hippiesanta If they remade Crisis Core I would buy a PS3. But then everyone would start shouting for the FFVII remake which is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
Rie_BooM's comments