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Riku_Lover93 Blog


Aloha Girlys and Guys

Yeah I'm really upset. Me and my best friend Alex are in a huge fight. How it started was me, alex, and 3 of our other friends were all supposed to hang out together last night. Alex told me that he would call me to let me know what time we were all going to hang out. So it was around 8 and I went on aim and looked at his away message. It said"Hanging out with Cyn, Michelle, and Nicole." Those were the people that I was going to hang out with, with Alex. So I got upset and mad that he ditched me. I left him a text message saying "Thanks a lot for calling me." He never texted me back to apologize. So I got even more mad. Seriously if you heard my voice it would have sounded so sad. Chris had to comfort me cause I was so upset.

Alex texted me this morning saying that he was sorry. I didn't except his apology. I was too mad. He then started getting nasty with me and I said"You know what don't bother calling or texting me." So yeah we are in a fight. I'm really upset and mad right now.

I love you all! I need a hug :(.

I'm bored, there is no one on aim. Chris went to a Jets game so I can't talk to him right now. I miss him :(

Me and Chris have been together for 3 weeks and 4 days. Almost 1 month!!!!



100 blogs and update!!!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

School has been ok. So far I made 4 new friends. I'm still trying to get to know more people. A jr out of nowhere came up to me and started talking to me. I was like Uhhh ok and I talked to him :P. He was nice though and all the girls are all over him. I never saw him without a girl by his side yet :P. At lunch when I was eating all of a sudden I felt someone hug me. I was like who is hugging me :P. It was one of my guy friends though.

The hallways have been torture! I've been getting pushed around by peopleand I almost tripped but I caught myself. Evil hallways :evil:. So many people have been having trouble getting through the hallways because everyone keeps pushing each other :|.

In other news yesturday I was walking around town with my friend Alex and we were in a store. This guy kept looking at my butt. Pervert :P.I didn't even notice. So Alex told him to keep his eyes somewhere else :P.

I have made 100 blogs! Wooo! I might have a party tomorrow!

Me and Chris have been together for 2 weeks and 3 days now. I loved every minute of it! I love you sooooo much Chris!!!! You are the greatest boyfriend!!!!




Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Finally I'm at level 21!!! Freedom!!! Im soo happy I got out of that annoying level :P.

Some drama happened these past 2 days on gs. I rather not explain it on a blog. The only person that knows is Chris. So if you want to know pm me and I'll tell you.

Sorry this isn't a long blog :P.

Me and Chris have been together for 1 week and 4 days.



School started on a very special day.

Aloha Girlys and Guys

High school started for me today. I was sooo nervous this morning. Hs was ok. I didn't like it that much. It was too overwhelming for me because my middle school was small and now im in a huge school. But I knew some kids in my classes. Which was good.

In other news, so my title says school started on a special day. The special day is today is me and Chris's 1 week anniversary as cyber bf and gf. Wooo! We both said it feels like we've been dating longer. Chris means a lot to me. He is always protecting, comforting, and loving me. He is such a sweetheart!! I love him soooooo much!!! He is such a wonderful boyfriend.He is always there for me and there are too many things to say about him :lol:. I"ll save all of that for our 1 month anniversary. Which we will have a party for that!! Woo!




Wooo pics of me and my bro!

Aloha Girlys and Guys

Here is me and my friend at graduation. I'm obviously the one on the left :P.

And here is my idiotic but funny brother *flame_blade88*. He is the one in all the tubes

Well there you go. Enjoy!



Answers to questions!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Ok here are the answers to the questions that I was asked:

Q: Who is the best Super Smash Bros melee player you know?

A: Well besides me of course :P, you obviously.

Q: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A: Hmmmmm........ a lot :P.

Q: What's the best video game series ever?

A: Hmm probably Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy.

Q: What's your favorite tv show?

A: Hannah Montana :P.

Q: What's your favorite food?

A: Mmmmm lasagna.

Q: What's your favorite thing to do?

A: Hmm I don't know. I like to do a lot of things.

Q: What's your favorite genre of music?

A: Pop.

Q: Whats your favorite singer/band/group?

A: My fave band is (don't laugh) The Backstreet Boys. I loved them since I was 5 :P.

Q: What's your favorite movie?

A: I have a few. Lord of the Rings, Eragon, High school Musical, The Invisible, and Four Brothers.

Q: Who's the hottest Kingdom Hearts character?

A: Obviously Riku :P.

Well there you go :).

I'm going to have another picture of me up maybe on Wednesday :).



I'm back!!!!!! Wooooo!!!!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!!

Woooooooo!!!!!! I'm back!!!! I missed you all sooooooo much!!! Did you miss me :P? I had fun at my grandparents, but I missed my parents a lot. I went to seaside which was really fun! I love rollercoasters so me and my cousin went on one and he was laughing and cursing at the same time :lol:. I was laughing and screamed on the big hill :P.

In other news on Wednesday Chris *samusaran28* and me became cyber boyfriend and girlfriend. We really love each other so we decided thats what we will do until we could really go out in real life.

Um I never did this yet but you may ask questions about me. Nothing too personal please or Chris will forcebly remove you from my blog:).

I'll have my answers in my next blog!!

Yesturday was my mom's birthday!! She's awesome!! I don't know what I would do without her! I love you mom!



I'm leaving for a week!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Yup i'm leaving for a week. My parents are going to Ocean City with their friends and I'm going to my grandparents. I'm leaving on Saturday. I will be backnext Wednesday and Thursday. Maybe Friday. If not then I'll be back next Saturday. I'm gonna miss you guys soo much :cry:!

In happier news Chris's party is still continuing today. Today is the last day of his party so we have to have extra fun! I'm gonna bring more food! I'll bring cookies and whatever I could think of :P.



Party for samusaran28! *updated with new food!*

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Its party time! Chris finally got his braces off after 7 years! So I thought we should celebrate this special occassion! He's so lucky that he got his braces off! I want mine off :lol:!

Pizza, chips, soda, cake, and cupcakes all around! Enjoy yourself and have a great time!

Chris has been such a good friend to me and is always there for me. He is always kind and sweet to me. He is an awesome person.I love him sooo much! I'm so glad that I met him and that we are close friends! He means a lot to me. :)

And to all my other friends you all have been kind and there for me too. I love you all soo much. I'm so glad that I met you all!

Now lets party!



Here Chaney, chocolate chip cookies!

Me and Chris's fave cookies! M&M cookies!


My work at camp is over.

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Yeah camp is all over. We were all signing each others shirts and takinga bunch of pics. I didn't leave til 4 cause I didn't want to leave :P. When I had to leave I said good bye to the kids. It was sooooo sad! Especially when I had to say good bye to Cory. He was like my fave kid at the camp. He is 12 but he acts way more mature then his age. But he wouldn't let go of me. He just kept hugging me.I started to cry and he was saying"I'm gonna miss you soo much Kristina." I told him that I was gonna miss him 2. He started to cry too and he hardly cries. He wiped my tears running down my cheeks and hugged me again. He gave me a kiss on my cheek. He's so sweet. All of the other girl counselers we crying too. Then after I said good bye to cory I hugged everyone else and some kids were crying causeI was leaving.Then I hugged the counselers.It was such an emotional day! My friend Nick said"Aww Kristina, don't cry." Then he gave me a huge hug. I was like OMG crying 2 days in a row is too much for me:P. Then when I was about to leave the buliding, my boss hugged me cause he saw that I had tears in my eyes. He said"You are hired to come back next yr. I want you to come back. Just let me know my January." I said"K." I'm definatley coming back!

In happy news :lol: I went to my friend Jackie's house to watch the premiere of High school Musical 2. It was soo much fun!Jackie is a counseler at the camp too. The counselers that im really closewithcame, were Cynthia, Michelle, Nick, and Alex. Well I already knew Alex and Nick before camp :P. So me and Nick went as dates :P. His dad drove us to the party and my mom picked us up from the party. Hsm 2 was good but not as good as I expected it to be. But before the movie started I was teasing Cynthia, I was like "Ah wa.....Ah wa!" Cynthia was like"That reminds me of camp!" Then she faked cried. We were all laughing.

During the movie when Zac had no shirt on, me and Jackie at the same time said"Bom chicka wa wa" :lol:. I was like" WHY isn't Corbin Bleu topless????" We all laughed. So it was fun. We all miss camp already though :P.

