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Riku_Lover93 Blog

Drama that got me upset.

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Yup I got really upset today. This girl named Kaityln started saying bad things about me at camp. When I didn't even do anything. I like never talk to her. So she was starting crap about me and saying other things that got me in a lot of trouble from my boss. He comes up to me and says"Kristina what's your problem with Kaitlyn?" I said"I don't have a problem with her. I hardly even talk to her." He said"Well if you keep this up with Kaityln I'm gonna fire you!" I said"But I didn't even do anything!"Then he started to yell at me. Thenhe just walked away and talked to Kaityln.Wh

When I went outside I had tears in my eyes. Alex comes up to me to see whats wrong and I told him about it and I started to cry. I was like "I don't want to get fired for something I didn't do and I love this job soo much." It fustrated me soo much knowing I got yelled at for something I didn't do. So Alex was hugging me while I was crying and a bunch of kids came running to me. I told them that I might get fired and one of the kids started to cry cause she didn't want me to leave. All of the kids were like "NOOO Kristina you can't get fired! We don't want you to leave. If you get fired we are never coming back to this camp!" So they gave me a bunch of hugs. Then a bunch of counselers came and comforted me and were sooo mad cause they know I didn't do anything. So one of the counselers went to talk to my boss cause she was extremely mad.

So Nick went up to Kaityln and and yelled at her and she was saying that she didn't do anything. He said"Kaityln why would you start such crap about her! What you did was childish! You're a counseler act like one!" Meanwhile these 5 boys were trying to make me laugh and they really did.

Then my boss comes up to me and says"Kristina I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm not gonna fire you, you are coming back next yr cause you are a great counseler." I said"Thanks" and walked away.



New Avatar and Update!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

I thought the avatar was adorable so I decided to put it as my avatar :).

Highschool Musical 2 is coming out! My friend Jackie is having a red carpet theme for it on Friday, so all the girls have to wear either a dress or a skirt. The boys have to wear something nice. So I decided to straighten my hair, and wear a either a pink or purple skirt with a cute shirt.

We were teasing a few of the girls at the camp saying"yeah we entered a contest to meet Corbin and Zac on Fridayand we won!" They actually believed us :lol:. This is the last week of camp. I'm gonna miss the kids soo much :(. This kid Peter comes up to me and gives me a huge hug and wouldn't let go. Then this kid Cory came running up to us and said "NOOOO she's mine!!" ThenPeter said "no she is my girl!" I'm like sheesh both of you calm down. Then Nick (the one who I work with) says "no she is my girl so back off!" I was cracking up.

Wednesday is carnival day at the camp. It is a lot of fun. Thereare waterslides and many other things to do there. Last yr I had to sit on top of the waterslide to make sure the kids were ok and behaving. I was getting soaked cause the water was pouring down at me :P. Then some of the kids would pull me down thewaterslidewith them :lol:. And then Friday is the last day of camp :(.



Okey dokey new blog!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

I can't believe it is August already! Sheesh it feels like school just ended.

Well my friend came back from Europe! I'm soooo happy. I haven't seen him for 3 weeks. So we were both really excited to see each other. He works at the camp with me too.

Only 1 more day of working from 12-6! WOHOOO!!!! Today was soo tiring at work. I had to clean the cafeteria. It was sooo nasty. Icleaned the tables and Alex threw out the garbage. Then we both lifted the tables so we can clean the floor. The tables were really heaving. Then after we were done we had to put the tables down and put them back in the same spot. So we were tired and thirsty. We asked our boss forbottled water but he gave us an adittude, so we just said forget it and left his office. So we didn't get any water bottles.

But other then that camp is really fun.

How are u all doing?

Hey Sweetie (Chris) you could be the first post now:P.




Aloha Girlys and Guys!

I'm really sorry again. In my last blog when I said that I'm back that was before my hours at work were changed. Now I have to work from 12-6 for 3 more weeks. So it is kinda tough to go on the computer right now. I miss working from 9-3. But after those 3 weeks I could come on gs almost everyday. Please don't be mad at me :(.

In other news, I don't have a crush on Nick anymore. I got over him. But we are still good friends :). I saw Harry Potter with my friends Nick (a different Nick) and Alex. We first ate at Subway and then we went to the movies. When we were looking for seats I asked"Hmmmm where should I sit? Next to Nick or Alex?" These two guys in the back said"Come sit up here with us." I said"No thank you" And ran to Nick lol. Alex whispered "perverts" to them lol. The movie was really good. The three of us enjoyed it.

At camp today Nick (the one who I went to the movies with) starteda rumor to trick the kids and counselers. When me and Nick were talking by the benches Nick says to a counseler and a few kids"Did you know me and Kristina are dating" You should have saw the looks on their faces. They were totally shocked. I said"Yup we are dating" Me and Nick tried our hardest not to laugh. Alex said"Yeah for 3 months now" Then a couple kids come up to me later on and ask"Are you guys really dating?" I said"Yup" They then said"Why don't you guys kiss then?" I said"We can't kiss at camp" They asked Nick the same questions and he told them the same thing. We're gonna see how long it is gonna take everyone to figure out that we aren't dating. Another counseler comes and says"So you guys are really dating?" Nick said"Yes and we are happy together!" :lol:. Then when I was leaving Nick grabbed me and hugged me. Some of the kids were like awwwwww. He said"I'll call you later hun." I said"K." I saw Nick trying his hardest not to laugh. I have no clue why he started this rumor though :lol:.




Aloha Guys and Girlys!

Wow I haven't been on gs for a while. I'm so sorry. I had graduation parties to go to. Then I had my graduation party. Also work. I never really had time to comeon the computer. Did you forget about me? I missed you guys!

Anyway I hope you all had a great 4th of July. I had a really fun time. Also I hope you all be doing good. I'll be able to come on gs more now because no more graduation parties. So I'm back!



My 1 yr anniversary on gs!!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Wow it's been 1 yr already! I know I wouldn't have been here on gs that long if I didn't meet you guys! You're allawesome and I love you guys! You're all great friends!

In other news, Nick told Alex that he totally HATES (the girl who backstabbed me) ALOT!! He said that she should just get over him and leave him alone. HAHAHAHA.

The reason I haven't been on is I started work on Monday. I'm a counseler at a summer camp. This is my second year working there. It is soo much fun. The kids were soo excited to see me again. i work from 9:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I get paid $50 a week. Which is pretty good since I'm only 14 and I get paid already. Also I get to go on trips that we go on for camp for free and I get lunch for free :D.

I got the Highschool Musical in concert on dvd. My brother bought it for me, because he forgot to record it for me when it was on tv and I made him feel bad. Even though I was gonna get it on dvd :P. Now he wants me to pay him back. I'm not gonna :P.

Well that's pretty much what's going.



Drama and a graduation party.

Aloha Girlies and Guys!

Well me and my friend got in a huge fight. I'm sooo mad at her and she is clueless why I'm mad at her. Well this is why I'm mad at her. She was texting my friend Alex about trying to steal Nick from me. She said"At Jamae's party I'm gonna go up to Nick and kiss him." Alex asked"Well what about Kristina? Her and Nick are still getting closer and he might want to go out with her. You never know."She said"Well Kristina had her chance. Now it's my turn!" Seriously what friend says that about her best friend. Alex said"That is soo mean of you." She said"Honey I don't care I'm kissing him and no one is gonna stop me." And she knows that I have a crush on Nick.

Then she invited Nick and Alex over her house. Alex texted her back and asked"What about Kristina?" She said"No she can't come cause she likes Nick." Alex said"Well I'm not going." Nick didn't even go to her house. So she basically ditched me for my crush.

So at the party right when Nick came I yelled"Nick come here real quick!" He came running over and said"Whats up?" I told him who to look out for and cause she is gonna try to kiss you. He said"EWWW I don't want her to kiss me!!" He advoided her the whole time! She was soo mad when Nick was hugging me and talking to me. Ha!

Then when Alex told her not to push him in the pool, cause he had his new phone in his pocket. And what did she do she pushed him in the pool and now his phone is totally ruined.

But other then that the party was really fun :P. We went swimming, we danced, and we talked a lot.



I graduated yesturday!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

Yup I graduated yesturday. It was set up very nicely. We sat on platforms with chairs on them and our familes sat infront of us in their chairs. There were flowers all around and people made speeches for us. My friend Jamae won the award for the smartest kid in the whole school so she had to make a speech. She made me cry because she was crying and her speech was beautiful. It was about us 8th graders growing up and about the familes, teachers, and friends. A lot of people were crying. Then after her speech our principal made a speech. It was very nice. She started to cry too.

After the principal's speech, she showed us a slideshow that she made for us. It had a bunch of pictures of all of us. The first half of the slideshow was a happy song, the second half of it was a sad song. Many of the parents, teachers, and students were crying. I was crying :P.

After that we got our diplomas. My family was crying cause they were so proud of me. My mom was especially crying.

After the ceremony we all took pictures. Me and my friend Lindsey kept hugging. Then I took a lot of pics with my friends. Nick came running up to me and gave me a huge hug. My friend Nerlyn hugged me and while he was hugging me he was saying"I'm gonna miss you so much." Then he let go of me. Then more of my friends and me were hugging.

The reason we all upset was because we have a small school but when we got to high school it's gonna be huge with a lot of kids from a different town. So we might not see each other. But a lot of us are keeping in touch.



About the carnival and other things.

Aloha Guys and Girlys!

Well the carnival was fun. We had to wear these ugly t shirts but we all signed each others shirts. We made them pretty :P.First we had graduation practice, which took like forever cause people kept messing up. But then finally at a little after 10:00 a.m. we got to go to the carnival. My friend Jen grabbed my hand and ran to the back of the school, to the carnival because she was starving. She ate a cheese burger and chips, so she was happy. I ate the yummy cotton candy :P.

Then me, Jen, Alex, and Sean walked around and Jen kept trying to push me towards Nick. She keeps calling him my boyfriend :P even though he's not. I wish he was :P. Then me and my friend Lindsey went on this huge blow up thing that you jump on and go through little obstacles. Right when I was walking to get soda, Jen comes and jumps on my back. I almost fell forward :lol:. She kept saying"There's your boyfriend go get him!" Then she finally jumped off of my back.

Then we went around, signing each other's shirts. So we had a fun time.

Today was more graduation practice and we did that perfectly. So we only had to do it once. Then we got our yearbooks. So basically all we did at school today was clean out our lockers, graduation practice, and sign yearbooks.

At 5:00 p.m. my friend Alex is coming over and we're gonna hang out and probably watch movies.



Sorry I haven't been on.

Aloha Girlys and Guys!

I'm so sorry that I haven't been on gs. I had finals this week and I was studying a lot. But I'm back now! I'm so happy that finals are over! Hopefully I passed.

I went to an award ceremony yesturday. I won 2 awards. I won the Language Arts Award and a Superintendent's Award. A lot of my friends got awards too :D.

Today the 8th graders were practicing for graduation. At least we don't have to go to class :P. Tomorrow is more practicing for graduation and then a carnival. So no more work in school because the 18th is the last day of school.

I'll make a blog about the carnival tomorrow or Friday :).

