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Riku_Lover93 Blog


Aloha Girlys and Guys!

How are you???

I have no school today because too many floods or something like that. But no school!!! Wohooo

Uhh im getting really nervous because my play is on Thursday and i'm afraid that i'm going to mess up. I've been in 2 other plays but im staring in this one. When I was in a Christmas play ( which was my first play that I was in ) I only had a little part. In the Tom n Huck play I was one of the main characters. But now for the Wizard of Oz play I'm staring in it. So im really nervous.

One of my friends lied to me. He was like i'll call you one day this week and we'll hang out. I was like ok. Did he call me??? Nope. So when I was talking to him I was like you know you could have called me. He changed the subject. And now he wants to go see me in my play. I was like whatever. He changed ever since he went into High school. *sigh*



Happy Easter!!!!!

Aloha Guys and Girlys!

I hope you all have a great Easter today! Have fun everyone! I can't eat jelly beans because of my braces :cry:. Evil braces :evil:.

Oh yeah I got my prom dress for my 8th grade prom. It is black with white polka dots on it. It is strapless and it goes up to my knees. Soulless4now you already know about that :P.

Well have a great Easter!



Comments about my close friends.

Aloha Guys and Girlys!

Ok here are comments about my close friends here on gs. The order doesn't matter by the way :P.

Soulless4now - Hey Chaney aka Enchantment! You're so sweet and funny. You are also an awesome person. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Chandu83 - Hey Chandu! You are so sweet and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

diamond07 - Hey Jenn! You're so sweet and funny. I love your random comments on your blogs :P. You're and awesome person. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Canuck3000 - Hey Justin! You're so sweet. I don't think that you should have drank stuff from a glowstick :P. That must have tasted horrible :P. But you are funny and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Vexx88 - Hey Vexxy! You crack me up :lol:. We met like a while ago. You're so sweet, funny, and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Bavoke - Hey Bavoke! You're so sweet and awesome. You make me laugh when you joke around with me :P. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Monkies48 - Hey Candy! You're so sweet, funny, and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Nazgool - Hey Nazgool! You're so sweet and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Cloud-Kun - Hey Cloud! You're so sweet and awesome. I met you like a month ago and we bonded quickly. I'm so glad that I met you here on gs and that you're my friend.

Supreme_Fantasy - Hey Haw! You're so sweet and awesome. We met a while ago too. I'm so glad that I met you on gs and that you're my friend.

MyPreciousOnes - Hey Jane! You're so sweet and awesome. We just met not even a month ago and we also bonded quickly. I'm so glad that I met you on gs and that you're my friend.

Cloud_Squall_ - Hey Ryan! You crack me up too. You are so sweet, funny, and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you on gs and that you're my friend.

Caboose22 - Hey Michael! Awww I miss you so much :cry:. I hope you're ok. You are so sweet and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you on gs and that you're my friend.

Cubb7 - Hey Darren! Awww I miss you so much too :cry:. You are so sweet and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you on ga and that you're my friend.

Samusaran - Hey Chris! You are so sweet and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you on gs and that you're my friend.

Jaks_Secret - Hey Garrett! You are so sweet, funny, and awesome. I'm so glad that I met you on gs and that you're my friend.

On my next blog I will finish my list of all my close friends. I didn't want this to be a really long blog. So the next blog will have Mr.Manga, race_sauce, crzy_gurl, cloud737, latinogamerking, rpggamer00, nirvanaphoenix, WoW_Hero and weemetal324.

I'm also going to have in that blog is a nice paragraph about....well you'll find out when I post the blog. :P

Spring Break baby!!!

Aloha Girlys and Guys!!!!

How are you???

Finally it's Spring Break!! No school, no school :P!!!!

Well on my next blog its gonna have comments about all my close friends here on gs. Wohooo! They are gonna be soulless4now, Chandu83, diamond07, MyPreciousOnes , Canuck3000, Vexx88, Bavoke, Cubb7, Nazgool, Cloud-Kun, Cloud737, Crzy_gurl, Monkies48, Jaks_Secret, latinogamerking, nirvanaphoenix, Wedge_and_Biggs, Supreme_Fantasy, Cloud_Squall_, Weemetal324, Caboose22, and rpggamer00.

Whoever I forgot, I'm sorry. I typed this kinda fast.




Aloha Guys and Girlys!!!!

How are you????

Eragon finally came out on dvd. I got the dvd the day it came out :P. I've watched the movie 3 times so far :P. The next movie I want to get is Happy Feet. I convinced my dad to buy it for me :P.

I'm at level 18 now. :D





Wohoo update!

Aloha girlys and guys!! (my new opening for my blogs for a little while :P)

Well I updated my profile. So if you want to read it obviously you may :P. 

 I'm almost at level 18 wohooo!!!!!

 One of my blogs will have comments about all my close friends here on gs. You know since i'm so sweet :P.

Uhhh what else........I got new colors on my braces. I got light pink and yellow for Easter. And my teeth hurt from my braces getting tightened today. Oh well I'll survive :P.

How is everyone doing?

NOOOOOO!!!!! (caps)

Ok so you know how I'm Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz play? There are two Dorothys and I come in the middle of Act 2 and the rest of Act 3. Yeah I think I told you that but now I have to sing. I was like WHAT!!!!!! NOOOO!!! The teacher who is doing the play said"Yeah you have a really nice high voice." I said" Uh thanks but I don't want to sing in the play." She said" Don't worry you'll be singing with the tin man, lion, and scarecrow." I was like ok fine as long as I don't have to sing by myself. Also I found out that the guy who caught the flower is in the play now! He is playing the Wizard of Oz.

Anyways how is everyone?

It was so fun!!!!!!

I saw the show Mideval Times! It was awesome! I went with some kids from school. It was kinda like a little class trip for the good kids that behave and don't get detetions. A lot of kids got invited but only 29 went. And 3 teachers. We had awesome seats! We were on the blue team. Our knight was so HOT :lol:!!! Me and other girls were all screaming for him like crazy. He bowed to show us that he enjoyed our support. He fought another guy and won a battle. He lost the jousting competition :(. But he won the sword battle.:D

Then he had like 5 flowers in his hand. He kissed each of them and through the flowers at our team. He through one my way and I almost caught it but some kid jumped and caught it in FRONT OF ME! I was so mad. Then I'm like "Hey the flower is supposed to be for a girl! Not a boy!" The kid said" Oh well. I caught!" I was sooooo mad! But other then that I had a great time.

Oh yeah my cold went away. WOHOO!!!!!

How is everyone? 


Ugh I have a cold. My nose is driving me crazy! It kept me up almost all night. I woke up every 2 hours 2 nights ago. Last night I slept better though. I kept blowing my nose today in school. I was like "Cold go away!" I just sneezed right when I typed that too :lol:.

Anyways I saw the movie "Wild Hogs". It was a hilarious movie. I saw the movie with my parents. ( i just sneezed again ) :lol:.

How is everyone?