@spaced92: I'm not saying Suth was an improvement, he most definitely wasn't. I'm saying that from MGS1 I felt Hayter's (acting) voice did not fit the character.
It is all correct and makes sense - replacing Hayter WAS the right thing, he was simply too over the top. But maybe just ask Hayter to make a different voice? He was able to.
What is wrong here, is how Kojima handled the matter - the guy has no heart, no manners, no honor, if Hayter is to be believed.
Deadlight was a great game, but the release of a Director's Cut 4 years later is weird.
Where the F is RIME??? Is what I'm interested in. Announced 3 years ago, they say the work is going great on it, but my Spidey's senses tell me it's getting canned.
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