@JRD1912: After the disaster collectively known as the prequel trilogy, which bore no resemblance to anything Star Wars, Abrams needed a movie to bring series back in line with its roots. That's what episode 7 is. I have no problem with him taking the safe road. A lot of people needed to be reminded what Star Wars is, and he reminded us with that movie. We got the first Star Wars movie in 32 years and I was delighted. I honestly thought ROTJ was going to be the last decent one. Now that all is right with the Star Wars universe once again, you can expect the next two movies to explore new ideas and take new paths not explored in the original trilogy.
Giving a 7 score for an alpha release of a game that's being sold at full price as a completed game is ridiculous. SF5 was about 25% complete when it was released. It should get a 2 or a 3 for a score. People tolerating this kind of nonsense from game makers is the reason they keep doing it.
I disagree with the reviewer. I was ecstatic when I got to Mars for the first time. It wasn't complete random luck, as the reviewer suggests. I figured out a strategy through painstaking trial and error and it worked. While it's true that RNG can ruin your day, the same could be said of poker. That doesn't mean that poker is completely random. There is strategy involved. That why there are world class poker players on ESPN. You need to play a strategy that gives you the best chance to win, just like in poker. Just like in poker, you may still lose even though you've made the best plays possible.
The biggest problem I have with the game is there is not much content. Once you get to Mars, you're only chasing achievements after that. There isn't really any other reason to continue playing the game. I'd like to see some missions on Mars as well. Those are "coming soon."
I'm going to miss this show. I'm not really surprised it's over, though. Johnny had the best show on Gamespot and they wouldn't even pay him enough to even afford a decent haircut. Bastards.
This looks like complete trash. It would have been fine if it had been released for the Playstation 2, but not the Playstation 4. This was clearly shoved out the door so that it could be a launch title for PS4 and Xbone. Why would EA further tarnish their already terrible reputation by releasing this shit? EA, **** you once again.
@Talldude80 @RoadStar1602 PC gamers always say that because it's true. If your friend is constantly buying the latest video card it's because he's a stupid or gullible person, not because it's necessary. I've had the same video card for 3 years. Not only that, I pay next to nothing for games. Half of the games I play are free and the other half I pick up for $15 or less on Steam. PC is just cheaper and better than consoles no matter how you slice it.
RoadStar1602's comments