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YouTube Tuesdays #1

I've decided to share entertaining videos with you that I find on YouTube every Tuesday.

I will start this off with one of my favorite music videos, Röyksopp - Remind Me:



User Image Galleries

Almost since I started working at GameSpot I have been working on User Image Galleries. Today I finally was able to launch it. If you click on the Images tab in your profile you will access it.

I've done a lot of work with image hosting and galleries in the past, on my own personal projects and in the open source community. It was no surprise that I was asked to work on this project, considering.

There have been many people and things that helped me along the way (in no certain order):

I made add more later. Anyways... I'm really glad to be "done" with it. Although I imagine I will have to support it for at least a few weeks to iron out all of the bugs.


How do you like it so far?

Guinness Marmite For Breakfast

This morning I received an email from Ryan letting me know he had imported some Guinness Marmite and had some in the back kitchen with sourdough bread, butter and provolone. For those who don't know Marmite is very similar to Vegemite, but is European instead of Australian. It is a British savoury spread made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. This particular limited edition was made with Guinness' yeast.
I'd never had Vegemite let alone Marmite so it was quite a new experience. It is a very salty spread, but I quite enjoyed it. As the bottle says, it's alcohol free so don't worry it's work safe! Want some?

Don't Forget: NBA Live 07 online Sunday!

Copied verbatim from Jeff:
This is really more of a reminder to myself than the rest of you, but you could all probably use a reminder! This Sunday, there's a concerted effort going on to get 1,000 people online in NBA Live 07 for the Xbox 360. You get achievement points if you're online when that many people are playing, and due in part, at least, to that game's relative ass-ness, there's never that many people online naturally, so consider this a call to action! Sunday! Noon Pacific time! Get online with NBA Live 07 and get 100 points!
I took a copy from our Game Library here at work, and I plan to be on. Score!

My New Guitar

On Saturday, I purchased a new Guitar! It's a Sunburst and Cream Epiphone Les Paul 100 (pictured to the left). I also picked up a Crate amp with 12" speaker. I haven't really played much guitar in the past few years, as I left my guitar and bass in Michigan when I moved to California. I jammed a bit on Saturday, but realized that I need to learn some new riffs. I also tried figuring out pinch harmonics, but that didn't work so well. I think I need to go find some tutorials online for intermediate players. I would rate myself about a six or seven, because I can play something clean once I learn it. I've got a lot more into metal in the last few years, so I should probably go learn how to play that style more. Because I'm 99% self-taught, I've mainly chosen to play things I've made up, this means I'm not the guy that takes requests. Any requests?

ATHF Mooninite "bomblike" devices

The headline reads Two plead not guilty to Boston hoax charges, and speaks of light installations created as a marketing ploy and setup around major cities in the US weeks ago. The only problem is that in Boston people mistook them for bombs... B-O-M-B-S. Personally, I want one for my house, and am completely unsure who would mistake something that looks essentially like a Lite Bright as a weapon of destruction. I wonder why residents and officials in other cities did not feel the same threat as Boston?
Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis called the stunt "unconscionable," while Boston Mayor Thomas Menino called it "outrageous" and the product of "corporate greed." Democratic Rep. Ed Markey, a Boston-area congressman, added, "It would be hard to dream up a more appalling publicity stunt."
What would you have done if you saw one of these around your town? (I would have called it mine!)

Monster Energy Drink: First Impressions

Unless mixed with vodka or Jagermeister, you would be hard pressed to find me consuming an energy drink. Today I was given a Monster Energy drink, and after feeling a little on the low side of the energy scale a short while ago I decided to try it out. So far I've had about two swigs and it has persuaded me to start this blog post. Essentially the first things that come to mind are cough syrup and bubble gum. It also has this terrible aftertaste that reminds me of some horrid candy I likely decided to hate as a child and haven't had since.
I keep drinking more as I write, first because I was tired, but also because I want to write more about it. It is mostly wretched but if it was really that bad wouldn't I have thrown it out by now? I used to work with a guy who bought pallets of this stuff and drank at minimum two a day, he reminded me a little of Patrick Bateman. I've had Red Bull before and at least that seems somewhat digestible.
Ok, it's at this time in my writing that I've decided to not have anymore of this, with it still being at least 85% full. Never again Robert.

New Year's Resolutions (1080p)

It's the first day of the new year and I'm pretty damned excited if I may say so. I had an excellent vacation and I will be back in the office in approximately nine hours (I should probably get some sleep first).

First let's talk about what I did for new years! I attended the COMEDY COUNTDOWN 2006 with headliner Zach Galifianakis. Opening acts included Daniel Tosh, Brian Posehn, Scott Capurro, Doug Benson and Arj Barker. I have seen most of them on Comedy Central or in movies before, so I had high hopes. Overall it was a great show, I found most of them extremely funny but sometimes they definitely crossed some lines and lost most of the audience. For headlining, Zach Galifianakis wasn't as funny as I would have hoped him to be, and most of the others outperformed him. The show ended at about 11:40 PM and then they had a champagne toast and balloon drop in the main lobby.

After that I went to the Marina Lounge for a few cocktails and pool with my friends. We headed back to our hotel and conked out for the night. In the morning we headed over to lunch and then took BART back to our cars. I've spent the rest of the day playing Tactics Ogre and watching television programs. I think I'm ready to go back to work.

Q & A: You ask, I answer

[Q&A = Questions and Answers]

I would like to update my blog more, but sometimes I don't have a lot to say. This becomes especially true when I have little time to play any games; as this is a blog on a gaming site.

Therefore, if anyone has any questions about anything (not just games), I'll try to answer them. Just leave a comment with your question, if I can (and am allowed to) answer, I will.

Ready? Go!


Well, the cat is out of the bag and FilmSpot is now live! The team working on it spent a lot of time and many long nights trying to get it right. It doesn't have all of the features that some of our other sites (Gamespot, TV, MP3) have yet, but they will be coming shortly. Until then, take a look around see if there are some fun new features you enjoy and try posting some feedback in the FilmSpot Forums! I'm sure they would enjoy your remarks, and you might even find a new site to spend your time on.
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