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What's the plural of I? Wiiiiiiii!

This morning my girlfriend and I woke up at 5:30 AM and drove over to Target to get in line for a Wii (I wouldn't have dragged her along, but I didn't have my car with me). We arrived at 5:45AM and I was the 27th person, although we had no clue how many Target was receiving. It was surprisingly frigid in San Jose, and my girlfriend ended up waiting in the car the majority of the time (she was a good sport; considering).

Only a few random people arrived behind me over the next hour, and around 7:15 the manager came outside to let us know she had received 56 Wii consoles. There were still enough for everyone, and everyone in line was relieved. Over the next 45 minutes the line size more than doubled, which was insane considering we knew everyone beyond a certain point would assuredly not receive a system. The manager did not pass out numbers, but escorted us all inside in a single file line. We were told that if anyone ran, pushed, cut, or was not compliant with the employees that they would be asked to leave and not be sold a system. They also explained they would only sell one console per person, and max one console per "family" or person paying. This meant that if someone came with their two children, they would not be eligible for three systems (unless the children started pulling benjos from their wallets).

I waited patiently, and before we got to the cashier who had our Wii systems, another employee asked us what games and accessories we wanted. The only thing I needed was Zelda, and shortly after I found myself at the front of the line. Even as I was walking out, more people were jumping into the back of the line. After that I took my girlfriend out to breakfast for being so patient, and went home.

I had dinner plans with my friend so even as I am typing this I haven't even opened my system, but we are sitting here playing Trauma Center Second Opinion at his house. I figure I waited plenty of time for the system so I can wait a few more hours to open mine. I am pretty sure I will enjoy Zelda, and Trauma Center is entertaining. What are your favorite games so far?

Vegas, Wii and Burger King Games

I woke up early this morning and went over to Target so I could be there when they opened. I had hoped they would have a Wii in stock and I could pick it up without hassle. As it turns out, they did not receive any the prior night, and I left empty handed.

When I got home from work I played some Rainbow Six Vegas which I just picked up, but I kept dying so I took a break. I decided to go to Burger King and pickup the new Xbox 360 games: Pocketbike Racers, Sneak King and Big Bumpin'. I feel very accomplished by just having bought them, but I haven't yet had the motivation to actually open and play them.

I think I'm just trying to placate myself since I can't get a Wii. I really wish a local retailer would get one in stock so I can play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Does anyone know of any stores in the San Francisco East Bay area that is getting some in on a specific date?

Turkey Turkey Turkey

Yesterday Michael and I were eating lunch and came up with the idea for a Turkey emblem for any users that logged in today (Thanksgiving in USA). I quickly made an emblem, we wrote the code, and pushed it live to GameSpot and

I hope everyone can enjoy it, it's just a fun little emblem of a turkey :)

Note: I have no artistic skills as you can probably see hahah

Yes, I could have got a Wii on launch day...

7:00 AM, a brisk Sunday morning outside of Costco; this is where I found myself sitting in an orange folding chair, and wearing aviators to mask my weary eyes. I was in a line behind nineteen other individuals all waiting for the same thing, a Nintendo Wii. The store had confirmed at least 24, with a possibility of 48 so I was guaranteed a package containing the Wii, Zelda, and Excitetruck for a reasonable price. What I didn't realize was that I had apparently outgrown the convictions that had previously led me to wait in similar situations. I had another 3 hours to go until the store opened, and I just stared at the throng of children and adults alike all playing on their DS Lites while I listened to Thrice on my Ipod. It was at this moment that I realized I would be much happier in my warm bed sleeping until the early afternoon on this Lazy Sunday, than waiting in line and going back to my house only to shatter the eerie silence with tingy twangs and beeps from my Wiimote.

I stood up, and in a swift motion collapsed my orange chair. Walking away, I felt brief remorse but only for a split second. This was immediately forgotten as soon as I was home and safely under my sheets. I know I'll buy a Wii, but it will be a casual affair that will likely take place on my way home from work on a whim, and me stumbling across a retail case brimmed with available consoles to purchase.

Xbox 360 Fall Update: Why Does It Hate Me?

I haven't had all the time lately to play Xbox 360, but I try. As soon as I got Gears of War, my roommates and I have definitely been using it more. Between downloading the fall update and receiving Gears of War, I had not used it much, but now I find myself with an unbearable flaw. Not unlike hundreds of others, my Xbox 360 has been freezing every 30 minutes, making my online GoW experiences very frustrating. I would consider sending my pre-2006 build Xbox 360 back to Microsoft for a replacement if I wasn't convinced it was a firmware issue. This forum thread was originally in the Technical Issues forum, but they decided to move it to the Wishlist and Feedback forum, as apparently we just wish our Xbox 360s worked. As of this posting, Microsoft has failed to even respond to the total of 555 replies on that forum thread; all of which complain of malfunctioning systems.

Gears of War

I heart Gears of War. I acquired the game last night, and stayed up way past my bedtime playing it. I can't wait to get home to play it again. It looks amazing, and I hope the plot is just as good. I've played multi-player for about 2 hours and single-player for about 45 minutes.

I also received an Xbox 360 wireless headset and that is pretty rad. It's nice and small -- I hated the wired headset and the cord. It makes me want some wireless stereo headphones for my Ipod now.
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