I would like to know what your feeling is about MP lag and what you think about the abilitys needed by a player to be good at a high ping.
Personally I play at a ping of between 350 and 550 on international servers and about 60 locally. A lot of gamers don't realize the amount of effort and consentration it takes to play at high ping. I have logged over 360 hours on COD4 and have my golden dragunov. I am ranked on Gametracker at nr 71 of of over 49000 ppl. My ingame nic is GUI|The Virus, if you want to check up.
Go to your hard drives in the bios. Disable the smart funcion and change all drives to user(not auto)
Make sure that none of the drives are PIO. if they are change to UDMA or DMA
Resetting your bios will not help.
If it hangs you must have changed a drive or cable. Whatever you have done, take it out and see what happens, if it is better then you have a jumper in the wrong place or a bad cable.
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