I thought it was a blast to play, which was nice because the first one felt very stale. The story wasn't as good, but it had the best cast of characters.
I think ME3 is the best though, didn't let the ending ruin the overall experience for me.
I'm keeping an eye on it, because I'm curious to see how it turns out. I'm definetly noy buying it though. I tried getting into the MMO genre with Guild Wars 2 and realized it's not my thing. It's an incredible game in a lot of respects, but I often found it to be a chore to play.
It's amusingly pathetic how much hate this guy gets no matter what he says or does. I guess the way he carries himself turns people off, but it's better than being an anonymous dick on the internet.
Hope he enjoys his break. I'm sure he won't have any trouble finding work when he chooses to return.
Wow TC, can't believe a simple term gets you this worked up? I don't see why this matters. The term isn't technically correct, but everyone understands the simply typed acronyms easily enough.
It's just like the Mac vs. PC argument. I'm not going to say "Windows-based PC" everytime I want to have this discussion with someone when there's a simpler (albiet less correct) way of saying it that gets my point across just as well.
These things are just words, unwind the stress a little...
Nice. The first had the best storyline, so it's good PS3 owners can experience it properly rather than through a comic. Although if you've already played the other two, the gameplay may feel stale. Maybe it's just because I've played it through a few times, but ME1 is not fun to play anymore. Best to avoid the side quests if you're not worried about maxing out your character level, planet exploration is just the worst.
[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"]Seriously FACT: Mass Effect 3 is still the BEST REVIEWED GAME OF THE YEAR....and will be, other than maybe Assassin's Creed III. FACT: The one biggest weakness was FIXED...the ending...FOR FREE Sorry, but ME3 is far from a failure.lawlessx
FACT: Not everyone shares the same opinion
That's irrelevant. It's ridiculous to hear "Bioware is dead" because there is a very small minority who didn't like ME3. It's generally considered a fantastic game from a fantastic series, something only a competent developer could pull off. Bioware is here to stay.
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