It took this thread to finally bring me out of lurking and into posting. Well TC, from the looks of this thread I would say you are correct. Many people dont understand the difference apparently. Many open world games offer sandbox gameplay as it is fitting, but sandbox game design is not dependant on open world level design at all. The MGS series gameplay is the definition of sandbox design, yet the games are not open world at all. I'm still finding new ways to clear areas on MGS2 and MGS3 all these years later. Sometimes in MGS3 I would keep reloading the same area over and over again just to see how many interesting ways I could tackle a situation. Its amazing that some gamers cant see the difference between heavily scripted events and set pieces vs. freedom of play style. Oh and a quick edit for those who dont see the sandbox design in SMG2. Did you not play the green star missions? Thats basically Nintendos way of hitting you over the head with a stick and letting you know you experiment around lol.sandbox3d
This guy is a sandbox.
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