I see where they are coming from. If you want a big 3D experience, it's hard to get around the glasses. Still, they suck.
90's = A = Excellence = Great80's = B = Above Average = Good70's = C= Average = decent60's = D = Below Average = Not good50's = F = Fail = why botherBelow that = worse levels of F's = Game is a jokePersistantthugBy the way, not all schools have the same grading scales.
Telling us his hobbies is like torture. You have no clue whats going on in his mind. Garden=Pikmin. Swimming=:(AmayaPapayaMario = Plumbing hobby?Zelda = ...Live-action role playing hobby? Heh.
Super Mario Bros. 3oops, missed one: A Link to the PastLoZ: The Ocarina of TimeLoZ: The Wind Waker - All-time favoriteMass Effect 2
I thought it looked really good...I don't care how much of a fanboy you are, horrendous is not the word that should be used to describe Reach's graphics.
Wii, but it's not the motion controls I like, it's the games that use it. I could care less which system has the best motion controls.
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