Probably not the best move by Microsoft doing a test run on a driveless console, Most of us gamers have become very cynical over the last couple of gens, We no longer watch what we are being handed we are watching for the rip off that hits after it.
The only people willing to pay that kind of money for costumes are the fan service fanboys not the fighter game fanboys, So by redirecting who they aim the game at = massive fail.
@teg: I think the optimal result is Anthem fails and EA sells Bioware to Microsoft and hopefully they put the money and time into it getting it back to ME 1 and 2 days again.
And before anyone thinks I'm a MS fanboy I'm not I don't even own a Xbox this gen, But MS is out buying developers at the moment and are aiming at releasing alot of exclusives next gen so they are just the most likely to buy it.
The last time E3 had any effect on the console wars was MS and Sony's console unveiling, MS screwed the pooch and most of the Xbox360 fans stuck their middle digit up at MS and bought the PS4.
I'm guessing Sony knows they aren't gonna get a Perfect shitstorm by MS again so they are preparing for a fight and not showing their hand too early.
And lets be honest how many people watch E3 live, Most people just check out the trailers after E3 for any games they are interested in which doesn't take spending millions on an E3 show to give people access too.
Runeweaver's comments