@nibbin1191: The software has been in development for years, mainly aimed at reading books for the blind, so the works being done anyway, and from what I've heard it isn't far off getting the sound right, just not quite there yet, but with extra funding the development speed would increase, and whats just happened might be enough to push companies to help fund the work.
@marshallgiles: The actors wanting more money will push development of computer generated voices, when Swtor was made over half the budget went on VA, so the company that comes up with the software will be in high demand.
I hope cuphead is a success, the developer has taken alot of risks with that game, remortgage homes, quitting their jobs, though its abit strange, they release the game on xbox one which has the smaller player base, and a high percentage of xbox players don't like anything other that shooters and driving games, Why didn't Microsoft give them the extra money needed to improve the game, they want it to be an xbox console exclusive, but are just paying to publish it, the developer would be better off doing the same as Ninja theory and releasing the game digital only, so a publisher isn't really needed and then just release on every system possible, the game looks like it would sell better on the Switch.
Small win for today, likely a massive loss in the future, the cost of VA is already very expensive so its only a matter of time till a computer generated voice is good enough for the job and suddenly they are all unemployed.
@john_matrix_007: The system they are complaining about is the players receiving a random pack, with an item or weapon in and having to fight with it, its directly taken out of the Japanese manga novel Battle Royale.
Epic only need to say they got the idea from the film Battle Royale and only commented on the idea being used in PUBG and they are free and clear, Player Unknown is gonna make enemies if they start acting so high and mighty when they copied the idea from a Japanese Movie or the Manga.
Its a standard thing in animation, like the naked image in the rescuers, and Jessica rabbits missing panties in the original releases of who framed roger rabbit, 90% of kids never notice and the few that do likely have seen far worse on the internet.
Its likely the only way we will ever get a full Fallout game again, not the half arsed games Bethesda are churning out, But it wont happen Bethesda/Zenimax are probably aiming to make a fortune off selling mods for the next few titles, and a game that needs less mods to be good isn't something they will want.
@visforvictory: The Wii-U was already dead, but the 3DS is still going strong and its unlikely to be killed off for quite some time, its got games being released through at least half of next year, and as for digital only perhaps you didn't notice all AAA games on the Switch have physical releases, its only the indie games that don't which is the same on the other systems.
And the first system to drop physical copies of games is likely have a worse start than the Xbox did this gen.
Runeweaver's comments