@Jinzo_111887: Yeh Patreon works well for giving good modders an income for their work, Quality of mods=More patrons, And I would prefer to fund someone that way than Bethesda taking a cut.
@7tizz: More games are always better than fewer, But the Xbox fanboys aren't helping their own system by posting "we don't want this type of game on our system" on every forum possible, its becoming a self fulfilling prophecy, your kind have shouted it so much, the games aren't coming to the system any more, so you shout it even louder and less games come, these games aren't Sony exclusives they just don't come to the xbox anymore like they did last gen, and before you shout they don't sell well enough, these are from Japanese developers they don't need to selling millions to make profits, 100k is often enough to turn a profit, So help your own system and shut the hell up.
Announcing the game isn't a problem they just shouldn't have given unrealistic release dates, We need to know whats coming to a system so we can decide which system we prefer, the only time announcing a game is a problem is if it cancels.
This game might not have sold as well as SE hoped, but at least they are trying to improve it and give fans what they want, I might even dig my copy out next week.
I think EA/Bioware could learn from Square Enix and Hello games, rather than take a dump on a game that failed, at least try and improve things and get some of your fans back.
If it was a new franchise it would have been accepted alot better than it was, but it wasn't it was Mass Effect and when a new gen game looks worse than the previous gen title, has worse animation, worse enemies, worse story it isn't going to be received well, and saying it got more criticism than it deserved, he's wrong, it let people down, same as the ending of ME3 let people down, if you get people to heavily invest in a series, you need to deliver, not half arse it, EA need to stop forcing games out the door before they are ready.
Runeweaver's comments