The Division might have sold well, but its left alot of players angry at Ubisoft, most forums are filled with people saying they will never preorder a Ubisoft title ever again, just wondering how many will stick to that, Only Ubisofts own forum has very few negative posts, guess the Mods deleting them to make things sound more positive helps.
Ubisoft has had their last preorder from me with division, I wont say il never buy their games again, but its gonna be at least a month or two after release before i do, I wont be helping their games become big sellers again, unless they deserve it, if not il wait for the game to go on sale, or buy second hand.
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four* *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.
It could be saved, if the developer takes a long look and Diablo and Destiny and copy one of their loot systems, chucking all the good loot onto the most boring raid mission ever, and 99% of the time the loot that drops is rubbish has killed the game, and as for the darkzone its just gangs of 8 players going around slaughtering everyone else, 4 go rogue and 4 play as a shield for the rogues, its just boring, and the constant nerfing of equipment and loot drops just shows a developer who doesn't understand the mindset of mmo players, the first player who got to 30 got 15 pc per named boss, so they were able to get a massive head start from players who took a week longer and the first nerf hit, its been like that ever since, small group find a easy farming method, a week later someone releases a video on youtube to gain extra subs, Massive nerf it, the players who used it for the first week gain another massive advantage, and everyone gets left behind again.
Personally i would like them to put a character creator in, If they continue the Witcher series, that way people who want to play Geralt can just create him, it adds to replay value, especially if they allow both genders to be created.
The Division is the same as Destiny was after its first major update, only two places to get good loot, either incursion or farming credits to buy schematics, it makes it very boring, Destiny has since sorted it out and now loot is easy to get, its just designed to give you small improvements each time, which keeps players returning, with the Division you can spend hours doing incursion and all the loot that drops is far worse than what you already have.
@dashawnthl: I think Sony's response will be you downloaded it now suffer, which is what i got when i asked for a refund on the season pass.
I learned three things, Don't preorder Ubisoft games, Dont buy their season passes and Don't buy games off psn that have a physical release as well., at least physical i could get some of the money back.
Their going down the road Destiny did near the beginning, a loot based game with no useful loot, unless you can be bothered to do their version of a raid, which is 15 waves of enemies with no checkpoints and a boss who can't be shot, and its all in a single large room.
They created a great city for the single player part of the game, then left it 80% empty for the story and 99% empty after the story, why not copy destiny and have patrols in the main city with lots of enemies to fight, no with have to do the same missions over and over again, the darkzone over and over again, oh and incursion if we can be bothered.
Bungie listened in the end and has vastly improved Destiny, will Ubi/Massive listen to anyone?, or just keep pushing division down the toilet.
Runeweaver's comments