Please let this happen, DD was probably my favorite game of last gen, it might have needed some polish but the gameplay was amazing, nothing beats climbing on the back of a dragon whilst trying to kill it, and its supprising that no other games have ripped off the gameplay, no other games come close to the combat system in DD.
Perhaps Ubisoft need to read their own statement, "Our intention is and has always been to remain independent, a value which, for 30 years, has allowed us to innovate, take risks", umm so all they release is the same games over and over for the last 8 years with minor improvements, and rapidly getting more broken and rushed out the door with each year that passes, perhaps someone needs to take them over and inject some new ideas into Ubisoft because they havent been innovating for a long while.
Every year rpg fans complain "why arnt we getting this game, damn Capcom,damn Squenix they dont care about us gamers" If done right this would be a good way for developers to know if a game is worth localizing, as others have said, if we donate the full price of the game, give us the game for free when its released, if you donate 25% give people a code to get 25% off the download cost, Its a win/win for developers no interest in the game means they don't waste cash, If there is plenty of interest they get a good % upfront for localizing costs. We gamers get the games we want, developers dont risk money on games we dont.
No real shock here, well apart from why didnt it happen sooner, and im sure they will add other things to microtransactions later, just a few new weapons and bits of armor, just reskins to begin with.
@Sevenizz Sony know Indie games are gonna need to fill in alot of time till AAA titles being to take hold, Due to the new architecture of the Xbone and PS4 it will probably be another 18 months till AAA games are being released at a constant rate, So Sony are gonna push indie titles to help sell their system they dont want to stall like the Wii U.
Runeweaver's comments