The only time Games as a service are ok is if they are either very cheap on release or free, If they intend to sell this at full price and then fill it will microtransactions then they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
I won't pay full price for a game that suddenly becomes unplayable because they shut the servers down.
Carefully worded response from Microsoft, Makes zero sense making the game exclusive, But that just means they make a cut down switch version and then are free to remove it from Playstation because they kept their word it isn't exclusive.
Drop split screen from Xbox and release at the same time as the PS5, Patch it in later if they get it working on the Series S, Or hopefully MS will allow them to patch the Series X first then the series S later.
Another bloody game thats stuck on my gaming list because of one achievement then found I hated it then uninstalled, Gamepass might be good but it really needs the option to delete games even with one achievement unlocked.
There has been cash grab dlc in fire emblem games for along time now they aren't gonna stop, So how long till the easy money, easy exp and easy skill dlc is released.
Out of all the software companies out there they managed to choose one of the worst to partner with, We all remember the NFT backlash Ubisoft got last year and what is one of the worst things about NFTs its the extra servers needed to keep that rubbish under control.
To expect top wages for any kind of job you need to keep doing that job constantly, Jennifer Hale and Atsuko Tanaka who is the Japanese Bayo voice are working constantly unlike Hellena Taylor who hasn't done any voice acting in 8 years, If an A list actor totally disappeared for nearly a decade they wouldn't be coming back at top wages or having the choice of any movie they wanted, Same as sportsmen or even CEO's for business.
And It was my understanding that Jennifer Hale did better at the audition and was chosen to be the new English voice of Bayonetta, Afterwards Hellena Taylor then tried to steal the job by going straight to Hideki Kamiya who offered her the $4,000 for the job which she refused, If your the second choice and are offered the job at a lower pay than the first choice you need to take it or walk away and not bitch about it.
Runeweaver's comments